🙏Is this a Christian movement 🙏
Is this a Christian movement. Yes I know there R many that are and even some that don't yet say they are..and we invite them in all the same. So I'm curious how you all see things.
Here! https://x.com/its_The_Dr/status/1856122032863224170
Thank you, that was spectacular!
Yes, I watched the video. It doesn't mention what principles America was founded upon that is specific to Christianity.
What does it mean to you, when you say we're a Christian nation?
Do you think only Christians should be able to live here? Should Christians get preferential treatment over non-Christians? Should Christians be treated differently, and if so, how?
Every time I see someone say that the US is a Christian nation, I ask them these same questions, yet no one can really answer them.
I'd really like to understand what people believe being a "Christian Nation" means, practically speaking.
I mean, the Bible was open in the middle of the table for purposes of drawing out precepts into the constitution as it was written, and church membership was originally required to be a citizen.
If you want to argue that the people inside the jurisdictions of these United States no longer comprise a predominantly Christian nation, you have a very good case to be made, but it was absolutely founded on Christianity.
What parts of the Bible cause you so much consternation? You didn’t take me up on my offer to explain things before.
And have an unearned updoot, just so you know the downdoot wasn’t mine! 😁
The Bible doesn't cause me any consternation.
I'm trying to understand exactly what people are implying when they say the US is a Christian nation.
If the basis of our country is Christian principles, then what exactly are those principles, and how are they exclusive to Christianity?
It's something that I see posted frequently, yet when I ask for specifics, people get defensive and clam up.
I also like Charlie Kirk’s answer to this:
That isn’t necessarily what it has to mean or will mean going forward, but it is definitely included in what it has meant.
Well, for example, when Christians were trying to Christianize Germany, they had a very easy go of it for the most part, right up to “Thou shalt not commit murder.”
The Germans would just look at them and respond something like, “but if he is a pussy why should I not kill him and take his things if I wantzink them? I mean, he ist dead now, and Deutschland ist stronker without ze pussy now, ja?”
Presumably, in Spain they may have had similar problems with getting the women to stop having sex with dogs.
We also have tons of people now who are a-ok with lying. California is overrun by thieves, who “aren’t thieves” “as long as it’s under $1,000”.
And that’s just the Ten Commandments. There’s a lot more, and not just the parts about “stop yer lusting and ‘batin and pr0n” that we are stuck on right now.
We’ve been living in the Christian paradigm for so long that we don’t even notice it has been the Christian paradigm anymore, but the natural state of man is to go after what I want, right now, insofar as I can get away with it, no different than any other animal.
And why wouldn’t it be? If there’s no God, and there’s no soul (I’m going with the atheist view here, not say, Hindu), then as long as nobody kills me or successfully does something to me that I don’t like in response, what’s my problem with it?
Well, aside from the personal judgments that will be handed out before The Throne after death, it makes things go to hell in this world, now.
So holding those things as the legal and social standards, to some extent is what would make this a Christian nation, and it is what our laws were originally founded on.
Is that the sort of response you are looking for?
Charlie Kirk has a video of him debating a college student and his answer is a chefs kiss. I wish I could find it to send it to you.
absolutely NOT. This was a primary reason America was founded to begin with! To escape religious persecution from the Catholic church and church of England!
Which brings us to an interesting little thing to note: How can a nation be a Christian nation without being a Christian Nation™ ? 😉