WATCH: Mollie Hemingway Smacks Down RINO Trey Gowdy with a Brilliant Response After He Smears Trump's Attorney General Pick Matt...
Once highly respected, former South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy has proven to be an abject disappointment, particularly when it comes to spewing asinine rhetoric as a Fox News contributor against President Trump and his allies.
Saw this in real time. Hairdo Boy lit up like a Glow Fag big time. Cut him loose Faux he’s glowing
Heard it in real time with my husband. He has been torn on the Gaetz nom because he's worried the ethics charges might be true. I showed him the Hemingway article someone reposted from 2022 about Gaetz, and between that and this exchange between her and Gowdy I think he now sees that the Gaetz pick was the way to go.
BTW, nice dig by Mollie at Trey about getting someone to "do something" about corruption after all the years he made noise in Congress with nothing to show for it.
What does Gowdy have to hide?
That would be the only reason for him to oppose Gates as AG.
Can't explain it. Always gives me the pervert vibe!
Is the Gaetz confirmation a catalyst for allowing reports on Senators to become public? Sounds like a trap for the Democrats. Let's see their reports.
Mollie would have also been a good pick for press secretary.
didn't Q tell us to watch Gowdy?
Gowdy mentioned in 23 posts. This one in particular. Seems like we've seen the opposite. Double agent?
#1656 7/1/2018 Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot. Q
thank you, i didn't remember Gowdy was mentioned that many times. i used to watch him when he was grilling Killary and others and i thought he was quiet impressive until i realized absolutely nothing came from it. thanks again anon.
Some may be dups? I was all behind him too until I saw an old episode of Forensic Files. Then I did more digging. From IMDB looks like he was on 51 episodes from 1996-2011. Was he what Trump calls "central casting" all along?
If you search for how many times he was on FF, it'll filter to a result of 4 times during his "tenure" 2004-2008.