Pro athletes and doctors tend to be conformist and got the mrna vaccine and sterilized themselves. Also notice the abundant athlete examples where they "died suddenly" on the field. Not sure what the lawyer means but probably hinting at conformism. The memelord didn't get the vaccine thus he is the one that is going to reproduce as demonstrated by the example of him fertilizing the egg.
I did not make this meme. Thank you.
“If you ain’t first you’re last”
I learned a lot from that documentary.
Explain? Out of the loop on this one
The meme lord won the race.
Maybe explain it in hand puppet?
Pro athletes and doctors tend to be conformist and got the mrna vaccine and sterilized themselves. Also notice the abundant athlete examples where they "died suddenly" on the field. Not sure what the lawyer means but probably hinting at conformism. The memelord didn't get the vaccine thus he is the one that is going to reproduce as demonstrated by the example of him fertilizing the egg.
It’s like the race to outer space!
Life pro tip: If your girl has the sperm of four dudes in her at one time—
You ain’t winning shit by being the ‘one’ to impregnate her. 🤣