Jesus gave me peace. Before that I was a weapon for the enemy Satan. Our only enemy. I hope to never be again. Anytime I start to wonder or get confused, I just focus on Christ. Be still. And keep quiet. The Lord can and will break you if needs be. Trust me. And I just don’t mean mentally. Physically. You’ll be the most fit, strongest, toughest guy in the room. Broken. And better off for it. Thank you Jesus.
Isa. 55:9 New International Version
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
1 Cor. 2:14New International Version
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
I’ll never forget when the Lord brought me to my knees one day. Someone was gonna get hurt. Who knows maybe even killed. While his son watched even. I felt so strong that morning. I knew enough by this time in my life to know I could not be beaten by my enemy that day. Of course that’s foolish. But it’s a feeling and a thought process people go through. Thirty minutes, maybe an hour more until I could feel that feeling again of hurting someone. It’s been a few years. It’s a rush. I used to love it. Just being in the fight. No pain. Not until later. But it’ll all be worth it. It was at work, on a job site, so really no-one could interrupt, or stop it really. The previous day we butted heads severely. Well me vs 3 others, which is about normal. But today I decided to engage. Life was kinda sucking atm. Couldn’t wait.
..and that’s when it happened. I was in the moment of pure delight, working lightly to save my energy, and boom …I hit the ground. Eyes wide open. My brother rushes over to me on the ground saying “what’s wrong, what’s wrong!?” Couldn’t move my legs. Couldn’t stand. My lower back just popped. I couldn’t even get off the floor. Trying to save face, I climbed a stud in the wall to my feet, and I had nothing. W T F did I do? I took me 15 minutes to get to my truck. Dragging my legs like a cripple. Severe pain. Dang it…my fight? I was sitting in my truck for about 30 minutes in total when my “enemy” showed up. Unfortunately I was in the passer side. I told myself I have to get out of here. It was to painful to switch seat so I hung onto my truck and walked around to get to the driver seat. Being watched the whole time. I wasn’t humbled that day. No sir not one bit. I was placed on my knees. Like a lightning bolt. That was the beginning of the end of my former self. I fought God off and on for maybe two more years. Until I finally gave in. Didn’t have a choice. So many things happened within family, job, “enemies”, neighbors…everything. No one should ever say God won’t put on you more than you can handle. Because take it from me. Yes He will. And you’ll be better off for it. I can’t thank my Lord enough for saving my life. After I was baptized in a river I went to the church that helped me. And guess who was sitting behind me that I was unaware was there….yep. I called him when I drove home because I was in shock at the time. Cried like a baby when I heard his voice. I was then humbled, and before my enemy no less. And he showed love back. Got saved himself around the same time he told me.
God is amazing. And never forget. Jesus loves you.
Wow, I love those kinds of testimonies. I worked in a gov't for 30 years and I would get so angry I couldn't read a sentence without seething with angry thoughts of hate & revenge until I prayed for them & forgave them. His peace passes all understanding.
Peace only happens when people who are capable of violence want peace. Heard that many years ago. I like peace.
Jesus gave me peace. Before that I was a weapon for the enemy Satan. Our only enemy. I hope to never be again. Anytime I start to wonder or get confused, I just focus on Christ. Be still. And keep quiet. The Lord can and will break you if needs be. Trust me. And I just don’t mean mentally. Physically. You’ll be the most fit, strongest, toughest guy in the room. Broken. And better off for it. Thank you Jesus.
Not many will understand this kind of brokenness.
Isa. 55:9 New International Version “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
1 Cor. 2:14New International Version The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
I’ll never forget when the Lord brought me to my knees one day. Someone was gonna get hurt. Who knows maybe even killed. While his son watched even. I felt so strong that morning. I knew enough by this time in my life to know I could not be beaten by my enemy that day. Of course that’s foolish. But it’s a feeling and a thought process people go through. Thirty minutes, maybe an hour more until I could feel that feeling again of hurting someone. It’s been a few years. It’s a rush. I used to love it. Just being in the fight. No pain. Not until later. But it’ll all be worth it. It was at work, on a job site, so really no-one could interrupt, or stop it really. The previous day we butted heads severely. Well me vs 3 others, which is about normal. But today I decided to engage. Life was kinda sucking atm. Couldn’t wait.
..and that’s when it happened. I was in the moment of pure delight, working lightly to save my energy, and boom …I hit the ground. Eyes wide open. My brother rushes over to me on the ground saying “what’s wrong, what’s wrong!?” Couldn’t move my legs. Couldn’t stand. My lower back just popped. I couldn’t even get off the floor. Trying to save face, I climbed a stud in the wall to my feet, and I had nothing. W T F did I do? I took me 15 minutes to get to my truck. Dragging my legs like a cripple. Severe pain. Dang it…my fight? I was sitting in my truck for about 30 minutes in total when my “enemy” showed up. Unfortunately I was in the passer side. I told myself I have to get out of here. It was to painful to switch seat so I hung onto my truck and walked around to get to the driver seat. Being watched the whole time. I wasn’t humbled that day. No sir not one bit. I was placed on my knees. Like a lightning bolt. That was the beginning of the end of my former self. I fought God off and on for maybe two more years. Until I finally gave in. Didn’t have a choice. So many things happened within family, job, “enemies”, neighbors…everything. No one should ever say God won’t put on you more than you can handle. Because take it from me. Yes He will. And you’ll be better off for it. I can’t thank my Lord enough for saving my life. After I was baptized in a river I went to the church that helped me. And guess who was sitting behind me that I was unaware was there….yep. I called him when I drove home because I was in shock at the time. Cried like a baby when I heard his voice. I was then humbled, and before my enemy no less. And he showed love back. Got saved himself around the same time he told me.
God is amazing. And never forget. Jesus loves you.
Wow, I love those kinds of testimonies. I worked in a gov't for 30 years and I would get so angry I couldn't read a sentence without seething with angry thoughts of hate & revenge until I prayed for them & forgave them. His peace passes all understanding.
God bless you, even anon, that testimony was brave. Hope your new brother in Christ is around here too
Si vis pacem para bellum
The true meaning when the Bible says "Blessed are the meek"
Yea, meekness is not weakness, it's "speaking softly and carrying a big stick", or controlled strength.