Even more crazy when you realize that most of them like this are just vanilla incel gullible soy tards that have been heavily effected by the evil that is social engineering.
Reminds me of the old Soviet public sphere where everyone in public acted to script to just function... but it's like the reverse here because these pitiful snowflakes have been indoctrined to believe this is what they are supposed to do to make themselves more socially accepted.
That is always my default statement, that during any other generation, you (the vanilla incel soy tard) would be a normal person happy in your male body. That genetics have not changed from my generation, and then there were not a hoard of milcontents walking the halls saying, "Damn, I sure wish society was more tolerant and I could change my sex, or where a womans dress in public."
Indeed my fren, this is the case. This is not some sub-cultural art fad shock gimmick en masse. That's something that was undoubtedly co-opted and militarized via subliminal suggestion among the litany of social engineering outlets. Be it media forms, education, sports, etc... you said it perfectly: The malcontent have succumb to the mind virus because generation passage suggests that the true definition of devolution has occurred.
I'm long gone from any kind of shock anymore. All we can do is explain it to others that can understand. It's been part of the anon mission from the beginning.
And never despair! We've always been the majority. The same powers that zombified a portion of society to various degrees greatly exaggerate their presence and strength. We're getting closer and closer to that less than 10% margin every day.
In my day we would have called him a fu**ing weirdo and moved on. I long for those days.
OK? So instead of losing some weight to get rid of his "Man Boobs", this idiot thinks it's better to become a woman!
Cute. He borrowed Jill Biden's lemon dress.
Can you imagine being this F'ed up?
Even more crazy when you realize that most of them like this are just vanilla incel gullible soy tards that have been heavily effected by the evil that is social engineering.
Reminds me of the old Soviet public sphere where everyone in public acted to script to just function... but it's like the reverse here because these pitiful snowflakes have been indoctrined to believe this is what they are supposed to do to make themselves more socially accepted.
Truly an amazing yet horrific phenomenon.
That is always my default statement, that during any other generation, you (the vanilla incel soy tard) would be a normal person happy in your male body. That genetics have not changed from my generation, and then there were not a hoard of milcontents walking the halls saying, "Damn, I sure wish society was more tolerant and I could change my sex, or where a womans dress in public."
Indeed my fren, this is the case. This is not some sub-cultural art fad shock gimmick en masse. That's something that was undoubtedly co-opted and militarized via subliminal suggestion among the litany of social engineering outlets. Be it media forms, education, sports, etc... you said it perfectly: The malcontent have succumb to the mind virus because generation passage suggests that the true definition of devolution has occurred.
I'm long gone from any kind of shock anymore. All we can do is explain it to others that can understand. It's been part of the anon mission from the beginning.
And never despair! We've always been the majority. The same powers that zombified a portion of society to various degrees greatly exaggerate their presence and strength. We're getting closer and closer to that less than 10% margin every day.