In the US we call it murder when one takes the life of another. Semantics about the stage of development are meaningless. It's not a woman using her body how she chooses. It's a woman paying another person to take the life of another human who has no choice in the matter, completely stripped of its bodily autonomy.
Comments (17)
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Before I say what I'm about to say, I'm against abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and mother's
I've been party to 2 abortions at my insistence with 2 ex wives. In hindsight 30 years later I realize that although my life would probably be different if I had 5 vs 3 kids and at an early age.
I apologized to my first ex before she passed last Oct (vax turbo cancer) and she understood but I could tell it still hurt her greatly after all these years.
I've never spoken about it to the mother of my kids (#2) but, I know she's told our (adult) kids, so I know it affected her as well.
Thankfully, no kids with wife #3 of 20 years.
I don't like hypocrites. I can't say I'd like 2 more kids in my life, but I do understand the sanctity of life. And I'm not "pro-choice".
Totally understand. It's got to be a difficult thing to do. All these years later and it still affects you. Imagine what these young girls will eventually go through mentally. Appreciate your honesty.
Bravo that you admit your choice. I was never in that situation, but when I was young I didn't consider the issue that much. Now the evidence of how symbiotic the relationship is between the fetus and the mother is out there. Mother's have fetal cells from their children that try and preserve the mother's life. Probably where cravings for odd foods come from as well. Baby needs a certain vitamin or nutrient, and the mother has cravings for food that contain it.
I watched the Silent Scream documentary on YouTube a few decades ago. Its a 30 min. documentary that includes sonogram film footage of an abortion, and you can see that the fetus is afraid when the vacuum tube starts sucking the fluids out and tries to back away from it. Then the fetus is clearly in pain as it is literally ripped apart. The presenter doesn't say that he is the abortion Dr., but it seems obvious that he was. He states that the abortionist never did another abortion once he watched the film.
Everyone has a right to their opinion, and I don't support abortion under any circumstance. A life is a life...
Not being promiscuous is the greatest safest form of birth control. And consequences is a great deterrent.
Agreed. Planned murderhood (often planned murder-in-the-hood targeting black communities) calls using the abortion pill process a medicine [that] causes cramping and bleeding that empties your uterus. The pregnancy tissue will come out….”(women’s anatomy)
“Pregnancy tissue” is definitely not a term in biology, and it serves to dehumanize the dignity of all humans, especially women and babies.
“Pregnancy tissue” is outside of reality, a deception to get women to kill their pre-born babies.
Totally agree. They use semantics to persuade the weaker minded that it's not taking a human life.
This doesn't make sense to me. It isn't the abortionist that negates an abortion being bodily autonomy, its the presence of a while different person inside of her. Like, if a woman is pregnant and gets a tattoo the tattoo artist doesn't negate the woman's bodily autonomy to get one.
Conversely, a pregnant woman shant/doesn't have bodily autonomy to do heroin because they baby doesn't have freedom to not ingest it.
My point was there are two adults involved in the taking of a life under the guise of bodily autonomy. She isn't acting alone to do this within the confines of her body. She's pulling in another who must commit the act. When it's a human life acted upon, it's murder.
A woman's right to make the bad choice of spreading her legs for a scoundrel that thinks from below the waist.
Make the mother kill it... They won't
Abortion is a heart issue
It is morally wrong.
But you will never convince any pro-abortion person that abortion is morally wrong with logic. They want to live free from the responsibility of raising a child regardless of the morality of their decision. Their heart is wicked.
The only way for them to change their view is for God to change their heart.
100% agree. They fall for the lies created by using terms like fetus and zygote, but anyone who has witnessed a live scan (ultrasound) can easily see it's a human being.
Correctly said
One of the ways God changes hearts on abortion is by letting a mother view her baby via ultrasound.
This converted the largest abortion operator in Western Hemisphere, Dr Bernard Nathanson (who eventually became Catholic, and travelled around the world, giving pro life presentations), and that was back with early monochrome ultrasound.
There now is 3-D, and various forms of color ultrasound, which can and have helped mothers change their minds and decide to keep their baby.
I believe if all moms were given the chance to see their baby, the abortion numbers would be significantly lower.
A fetus is not a person. It has no rights.
Ok, Kamala, we see you now.