Shadow of Ezra
@ShadowofEzra 4h
An anonymous hero has rescued hundreds of children from child trafficking operations connected to the Biden-Harris administration.
Children as young as 8 years old are being kidnapped and forced into s*xual slavery in major American cities like Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, and across Texas.
When traffickers are finished exploiting a child, they are known to take them to the outskirts of the city and brutally end their lives.
Nov 24, 2024 · 4:52 PM UTC
Resistance is futile.
I can't wait to see what God has in store for these demons. Hopefully it comes in the form of direct action.
Yes. 💔🤬⚡🔥🔥🔥
Happy Thanksgiving. We're not over the finish line but it's looking good. Best to you and your family.
You, too fren! It's an amazing feeling to have come this far. Now we need Public Tribunals. ⚖️
Blessings to your family!
It won't be pretty. There won't be pity.
There is a documentary out there about how trafickers get kids by approaching pregnant women and paying them to put the trafficker on the birth certificate as the father.
The trafficker who was interviewed in the documentary said that when a child is reaching the end of what they considered the prime usefulness in turning tricks, they would sell the child at a premium to a "VIP" which was typically a fatal encounter for the child.
Once the VIP ends the encounter, a team nearby, often in an adjoining hotel room, or standing by, will swoop in the harvest anything usable left over. Blood, tissue, organs. Often these VIP encounters would happen in rental homes in upscale neighborhoods. (Remember the 20 mansions in Orange Country that burned recently?)
There was a message at the end of the documentary that the trafficker who was intereviewed ended up doxing himself with the release of the film and ended up committing suicide. The woman in the film and her baby were saved when the journalist reimbursed the trafficker the $50,000 odd plus dollars he had given the women to purchase her child.
VIP. Hotel. Hmm - now where have I heard something like this before? Sounds like they have a Standard operating procedure for these things...
Where do I sign up?
PRAY and never stop praying. Pray that the bad ones have a change of heart, repent and make amends, or if they will not, that the good guys defeat them quickly. Pray for the victims, that God keeps their souls safe with Him so they will stay pure inside despite what is done to them.
I don't like the sound of this. Anyone dealing with children shouldn't be anonymous. This is how we've come to this point in time to begin with.