This seems like comms. Almost like those who read them are warning that these new appointees of Q (17 all over that article) are Unaffiliated Fanatical Obstructionists
My UFO analogy is likely off, but the comms are obvious & seem to point to PANIC about Trump's picks.
They only go there because they are demons and right now it’s a region of darkness with bidet in the White House. I actually don’t think Biden is doing much anymore
There could be another reason for them showing up here. They really dont seem to like nuclear weapons:
Article from yesterday, November 2024:
Retired US Air Force Captain Robert Salas claims to have witnessed a UFO deactivate 10 nuclear missiles in 1967 — and believes its 'alien' occupants have a simple, three-word message for humanity: 'WTF!?'
At the height of the Cold War, a then 26-year-old USAF Lieutenant Salas was underground while overseeing Malmstrom Air Force Base's nuclear equipped intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in Montana.
He claimed an eerie red glowing UFO above the base's front gate temporarily disabled 10 ICBMs on the night of March 24, 1967.
'They knew exactly how our systems worked. Exactly,' Capt Salas told South Carolina Representative Mace, speaking about the UFO's mysterious pilots.
'No equipment was fried. Nothing was damaged,' Capt Salas told Rep Mace.
'It was simply intermittent electrical pulse that was delivered to a particular part of the guidance system, called the logic coupler,' he explained.
'And this was proven by Boeing. Boeing did a test of this so-called logic coupler.'
'Without that piece of equipment working properly, the guidance system would not properly work,' he continued. 'So, the missile shut itself down.'
If aliens were going to reveal themselves, they wouldn't waste time with Washington DC politicians.
This seems like comms. Almost like those who read them are warning that these new appointees of Q (17 all over that article) are Unaffiliated Fanatical Obstructionists
My UFO analogy is likely off, but the comms are obvious & seem to point to PANIC about Trump's picks.
More likely the Deep Dark State...
They only go there because they are demons and right now it’s a region of darkness with bidet in the White House. I actually don’t think Biden is doing much anymore
Whether those were actual UFOs or not, you can bet the Damned State would like to use them as a distraction from their treasons.
There could be another reason for them showing up here. They really dont seem to like nuclear weapons:
And there's been a lot of "activity" around both US military bases and as of very recently the UK military bases where some nukes have been moved to.
Drones. Probably from PRC checking up on Biden.
Post from Twitter account (including my overlay of lines where lights would need to be if it were a reflection):