Thanks for posting this MrNN! Praying this is this case and Henry wasn't involved but tried to speak out about her abuse by people in the Industry. Maybe this is why his career went south...
Yeah , I spent a lot of time with Henry at an event I was blogging about 10 or so years ago.....I can deal with him being a Lib but It would suck to find out he was part of abusing children, and I have never read anything that corraborates that info so Im doubting it for now.
Every time it happens I get more disappointed. Ya think I would have learned by now. And another one bites the dust. What is the story on Heather and him?
Didn't he abuse Heather O'Rourke also?
I knew someone would remember, move to the head of the class. 🙂
I think a lot of 'people' are hoping to be 'pardoned'. Oh, hope that fist is not pointing at me. 😂
Just a fist bump to a dear fren! 🤗
Thanks for posting this MrNN! Praying this is this case and Henry wasn't involved but tried to speak out about her abuse by people in the Industry. Maybe this is why his career went south...
Yeah , I spent a lot of time with Henry at an event I was blogging about 10 or so years ago.....I can deal with him being a Lib but It would suck to find out he was part of abusing children, and I have never read anything that corraborates that info so Im doubting it for now.
Ok...thanks so much for your input! I feel the same...
There might be a brief something with the Fonz and an underage Joanie back on the Happy Days set.
a name not spoken for decades... now surfaces for an appearance.... now get back under your rock.
Another liberal douchbag until drawing his last breath.
IDK if he abused Heather or not , he did SPEAK on it though
Pedophile Winkler.
Not cool, Fonzie!
Lol, why should he care?
Joys1Daughter 2 minutes ago +3 / -0 Didn't he abuse Heather O'Rourke also?
He kind of looks like that judge in trumps ny case this year in the ga.w post picture.. like they hang out and make the exact same faces.
"Eyyyyyy"...found the pedo
Every time it happens I get more disappointed. Ya think I would have learned by now. And another one bites the dust. What is the story on Heather and him?
Watch the video...
Gotcha thanks
AAAAAAAY! Sit on it Fonz.