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Stephen Miller Issues a Stark Message to Illegals: EVERYTHING Changes on January 20
“It will be the end of the invasion. It will be the beginning of the liberation.”
“President Trump will issue a series of executive orders and actions that will suspend the entry of illegal aliens into this country.”
“There will be no benefits. There will be no entry. There will be no asylum. There will be no admission.”
“You may be prosecuted. You will certainly be arrested, and you will absolutely be deported.”
“Every presidential authority, including his absolute authority under Article 2 to defend the territorial sovereignty of the United States, will be used.”
“The entire world---Mexico, Northern Triangle, Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East—will get this message: there is no unlawful route to enter the United States of America.”
9th Circuit: Local Authorities In Washington State Can’t Block Feds From Deporting Illegals
By: Brianna Lyman
December 04, 2024
A three-judge panel on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the federal government has the authority to deport illegal immigrants even if local leaders try to impede the process.
The case arose after King County Executive Dow Constantine issued an executive order in 2019 that instructed county officials to prohibit “fixed base operators” (FBO) on a county airfield from servicing flights chartered by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to deport illegal immigrants who are lawfully removable. FBO’s “lease space from the airport and provide flights with essential services, such as fueling and landing stairs,” according to the ruling.
this should extend to those here illegally for years as well. who cares how assimilated they are, especially those hired in law enforcement. according to current immigration law, if found to have entered the US illegally, you would have a 10 year wait before you could APPLY for reentry legally. which would mean those that really want to be here should be self deporting already...
The DACA/DAPA or whatever they are called won't go anywhere. They will say Obama had laws created that allow them to stay. Maybe Trump will be able to do something with those laws but I doubt it. There are probably 50 liberal organizations fighting deportations to every 1 conservative organization.
The smart ones will be back in their home countries by Christmas.
Long overdue
Warnings like this need to be mass distributed through mail, ebs, texts, etc. Get the message to these invaders that they best get the fuck on out of here pronto. Put that crucial shit on billboards!
Weren't the Democrats just screaming that the border could not be fixed unless that horrendous bill was passed?
They claimed, over and over, that only Congress could fix the border.
Pedo Joe had his hands tied.
Just a few suggestions, that will help the exodus of illegal aliens
Who ever says you can't get them all, obviously isn't trying very hard.
“May be prosecuted” is a far cry from “Will be prosecuted.” It feels like we’ve been lied to.
Think there's time, money, and personnel to prosecute 20 to 40 million individuals?
If they leave on their own before Jan. 20 they can seek to return LEGALLY. If they wait and are deported, they have to wait 20 years before they can apply to return.
If an illegal is here already and has been 'processed' through ICE, I would say they can never come back legally.
Same goes for anyone that has not been processed and is found to be here illegally.
Zero reentry rights for any reason.
No visitor, student, worker or whatever visas.
You are forever banned from the USA.
No argument from me! I feel your vibes!
You mean the ones that dumped their ID cards before being processed? The ones we don't have any idea who they are, that are "waiting on their court date"?
They can just leave and come back in with their real ID and our govt won't have any idea they were here before. No way this administration leaves any fingerprint/DNA information before they are out.
If they destroy govt records on their way out they should be severely punished.
There can even a case to made that this act would be treason because they are aiding and abetting our enemies.
Thank you to the cabal that runs Washington DC, Bidens mafia, Harris puppet masters, Drunken Nancy, Ted Kennedy ( if you were alive you know why) for giving the United States such a cluster fuck clus·ter·fuck /ˈkləstərˌfək/ nounVULGAR SLANG•US noun: cluster-fuck a disastrously mishandled situation or undertaking.