Were they really? In the day many will say Lord Lord, but he will say unto them, depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.(Matthew 7:22)
I agree, many Prots will say on that day “wait, Catholics kept all 73 books & Prots removed them? Wait, my church wasn’t established by Jesus & his Apostles? My church was begun by a mere man named Luther? Calvin? Smith?
Yes, indeed, as flawed as the church is in its current state, it still remains the Church established by Jesus; remaining faithful to Christ even during time of crisis & Judeo-Masonic infiltration is a monumental task but we will all be Judged & asked to take into account why we abandoned his bride at her most critical hour.
Appreciate your response. But I'm not sure if we agree. Or rather I'm not sure the scriptures agree. The church (the bride of Christ), according to God's word, is neither the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, the Mennonite Church, the Mormons, the anglicans, the Baptist, ETC ETC, so on and so forth. God's church is none of the above in fact the true church is not any of the denominations . God's church is you, its me, God's church is made up of individuals it consists of all those that have truly made Jesus Christ the lord of their life, they are his bride. God's church is wherever they are. 1 Corinthians 3:16 Says "KNOW YE NOT THAT (YOU) ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD AND THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLETH IN (YOU) IF ANY MAN DEFILE THE TEMPLE OF GOD,HIM SHALL GOD DESTROY FOR THE TEMPLE OF GOD IS HOLY WHICH TEMPLE (YOU) ARE" (1 Peter 2:5) reads "(Ye) also as lively stones ARE BUILT UP A SPIRITUAL HOUSE an HOLY PRIESTHOOD to offer up spiritual sacrifices ACCEPTABLE to God" In John 14:23, "Jesus answered and said "if a man love me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come and make (OUR ABODE) (with) him" it is interesting to note that when the promise found in (1st Thessalonians 4:16-17) takes place, the scripture says "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with the Trump of God and the (DEAD IN CHRIST)(those who truly belonged to him) shall rise first and (WE) which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord" NOTICE CAREFULLY: it does not say when the trumpet sounds, the dead Catholics shall rise, or the Catholic Church shall rise, or the dead anglicans shall rise, or any other denomination, it says the dead (IN CHRIST) those who truly belong to God , God does not see denominations, he sees individual believers who belong to him, who He calls (in the Bible) his people, his sheep, his bride, his church. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20 "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am among them" it is not where they are gathered, it is that they are gathered together IN HIS NAME, they belong to him, and church is where they are, and where (those that belong to him are) He is. This is confirmed by Revelations 19:5 " Then a voice came from the throne saying praise our God all you (his servants) (who fear Him) both (great and small)" God's Church consists of all, who truly belong to him, both great and small" No one will be saved because they were a Catholic, or a Protestant, rich or poor, King or peasant, they will be saved because they have truly made Jesus Christ the lord of their life, and for no other reason. "In Revelation 3:20 Jesus said "Behold I stand at the door (your heart) and knock If (ANY MAN) (no matter the denomination) open I will come in" ANY MAN. Final witness (John 14:6) Jesus said "I am the truth the life and the way (NO MAN) cometh to the father, EXCEPT BY ME. Never a mention of any denomination, not even the Catholic Church. Someone with their eyes on their denomination does not have their eyes on their savior, "Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2) 🙏
Thanks for the thorough response, but again I would have to disagree with you, with all due respect.
The early church is what produced the Bible after Rome legalized Christianity. Only ONE Church can. Claim that they produced the Bible; that church IS the Catholic Church. Only ONE church can claim that it came before the Bible & not the other way around; What is the original church? It’s the Catholic Church & there remained one primary church for millenias until the Russians split in the 10th century & Protestants broke away in the 15th century, however, the church remains.
In my study of history & the Protestant revolution, Luther is painted as a noble rebel, but studying the life of this man, he was far from perfect. He broke his vows, married a Nun, edited the original Bible, added words, removed books; whether the various Protestant sects acknowledge it or not, he was the founder of the new religion; if your Bible is missing seven books, your denomination was affected by his rebellion.
It’s not popular or easy to remain Roman Catholic in these times, but I reflect on the centuries long battle between Catholics & the synagogue of Satan (please look up saint Simon of Trent & Holy Child of Lagardia & tell me what you think). No other denomination has ever really held the synagogue of Satan accountable the way Catholics have.
Learning about the Satanic knights Templars being executed by the Catholic king of France, his son would proceed to kick out their banking bosses…
… fighting & winning territory seized by Muslims…
… claiming the Holy Land rightfully for Christ & not Jews nor Muslims….
…. Hunting down the Illuminati during the 15th century Spanish Inquisition….
It’s the church that effectively confronted subversive Jews, aggressive Muslims, Child sacrificing Occultists, came to the Americas & conquered America for Christ & defeated hordes of Cannibals. The situations of the past sounds oddly a lot Like situations we find ourselves in today. However, the only difference is that Christianity is hopelessly divided. I would love to see Christendom rise from the ashes & take on her formidable enemies.
Learning that Jews & their Masonic henchmen declared war on the church centuries ago, is it that hard to believe that they penetrated, infiltrated, subverted the church beginning in the 1960’s? When I learned that, I went from hating the church to wanting to come back to her & help defend her against the Judeo-Masonic Satanic 5th collumn. It’s a lot to reflect. I don’t why God Spawned me in 1984 instead of 1484, but here I am, remaining faithful to Jesus, even when our Judeo-Masonic Pope is doing everything possible to destroy the church from within.
It’s an impossible situation, but I refuse to apostatize from the Church Jesus & the Apostles founded.
Makes sense. It is a federal holiday, after all. At some point in our history, tptb thought Christmas significant and important enough to celebrate and make a federal holiday. So we should have always had the nativity displayed on government property.
First time in history, at the capital of a Christian nation...
This was never meant to be a melting pot, an experiment in multiculturalism, or anything else. It was literally Christians fleeing Europe.
From other Protestant Christians.
Were they really? In the day many will say Lord Lord, but he will say unto them, depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.(Matthew 7:22)
I agree, many Prots will say on that day “wait, Catholics kept all 73 books & Prots removed them? Wait, my church wasn’t established by Jesus & his Apostles? My church was begun by a mere man named Luther? Calvin? Smith?
Yes, indeed, as flawed as the church is in its current state, it still remains the Church established by Jesus; remaining faithful to Christ even during time of crisis & Judeo-Masonic infiltration is a monumental task but we will all be Judged & asked to take into account why we abandoned his bride at her most critical hour.
Appreciate your response. But I'm not sure if we agree. Or rather I'm not sure the scriptures agree. The church (the bride of Christ), according to God's word, is neither the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, the Mennonite Church, the Mormons, the anglicans, the Baptist, ETC ETC, so on and so forth. God's church is none of the above in fact the true church is not any of the denominations . God's church is you, its me, God's church is made up of individuals it consists of all those that have truly made Jesus Christ the lord of their life, they are his bride. God's church is wherever they are. 1 Corinthians 3:16 Says "KNOW YE NOT THAT (YOU) ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD AND THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLETH IN (YOU) IF ANY MAN DEFILE THE TEMPLE OF GOD,HIM SHALL GOD DESTROY FOR THE TEMPLE OF GOD IS HOLY WHICH TEMPLE (YOU) ARE" (1 Peter 2:5) reads "(Ye) also as lively stones ARE BUILT UP A SPIRITUAL HOUSE an HOLY PRIESTHOOD to offer up spiritual sacrifices ACCEPTABLE to God" In John 14:23, "Jesus answered and said "if a man love me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come and make (OUR ABODE) (with) him" it is interesting to note that when the promise found in (1st Thessalonians 4:16-17) takes place, the scripture says "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with the Trump of God and the (DEAD IN CHRIST)(those who truly belonged to him) shall rise first and (WE) which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord" NOTICE CAREFULLY: it does not say when the trumpet sounds, the dead Catholics shall rise, or the Catholic Church shall rise, or the dead anglicans shall rise, or any other denomination, it says the dead (IN CHRIST) those who truly belong to God , God does not see denominations, he sees individual believers who belong to him, who He calls (in the Bible) his people, his sheep, his bride, his church. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20 "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am among them" it is not where they are gathered, it is that they are gathered together IN HIS NAME, they belong to him, and church is where they are, and where (those that belong to him are) He is. This is confirmed by Revelations 19:5 " Then a voice came from the throne saying praise our God all you (his servants) (who fear Him) both (great and small)" God's Church consists of all, who truly belong to him, both great and small" No one will be saved because they were a Catholic, or a Protestant, rich or poor, King or peasant, they will be saved because they have truly made Jesus Christ the lord of their life, and for no other reason. "In Revelation 3:20 Jesus said "Behold I stand at the door (your heart) and knock If (ANY MAN) (no matter the denomination) open I will come in" ANY MAN. Final witness (John 14:6) Jesus said "I am the truth the life and the way (NO MAN) cometh to the father, EXCEPT BY ME. Never a mention of any denomination, not even the Catholic Church. Someone with their eyes on their denomination does not have their eyes on their savior, "Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2) 🙏
Thanks for the thorough response, but again I would have to disagree with you, with all due respect.
The early church is what produced the Bible after Rome legalized Christianity. Only ONE Church can. Claim that they produced the Bible; that church IS the Catholic Church. Only ONE church can claim that it came before the Bible & not the other way around; What is the original church? It’s the Catholic Church & there remained one primary church for millenias until the Russians split in the 10th century & Protestants broke away in the 15th century, however, the church remains.
In my study of history & the Protestant revolution, Luther is painted as a noble rebel, but studying the life of this man, he was far from perfect. He broke his vows, married a Nun, edited the original Bible, added words, removed books; whether the various Protestant sects acknowledge it or not, he was the founder of the new religion; if your Bible is missing seven books, your denomination was affected by his rebellion.
It’s not popular or easy to remain Roman Catholic in these times, but I reflect on the centuries long battle between Catholics & the synagogue of Satan (please look up saint Simon of Trent & Holy Child of Lagardia & tell me what you think). No other denomination has ever really held the synagogue of Satan accountable the way Catholics have.
Learning about the Satanic knights Templars being executed by the Catholic king of France, his son would proceed to kick out their banking bosses…
… fighting & winning territory seized by Muslims…
… claiming the Holy Land rightfully for Christ & not Jews nor Muslims….
…. Hunting down the Illuminati during the 15th century Spanish Inquisition….
It’s the church that effectively confronted subversive Jews, aggressive Muslims, Child sacrificing Occultists, came to the Americas & conquered America for Christ & defeated hordes of Cannibals. The situations of the past sounds oddly a lot Like situations we find ourselves in today. However, the only difference is that Christianity is hopelessly divided. I would love to see Christendom rise from the ashes & take on her formidable enemies.
Learning that Jews & their Masonic henchmen declared war on the church centuries ago, is it that hard to believe that they penetrated, infiltrated, subverted the church beginning in the 1960’s? When I learned that, I went from hating the church to wanting to come back to her & help defend her against the Judeo-Masonic Satanic 5th collumn. It’s a lot to reflect. I don’t why God Spawned me in 1984 instead of 1484, but here I am, remaining faithful to Jesus, even when our Judeo-Masonic Pope is doing everything possible to destroy the church from within.
It’s an impossible situation, but I refuse to apostatize from the Church Jesus & the Apostles founded.
Help me to understand, how, respectfully, any of that, affects the personal (saving) relationship between a person and Jesus Christ.
More winning!
Ask the 'detractors' why WE HAVE 'In God We Trust' on Our money?
Because satanists worship Satan as their god.
At the steps of the House of Representatives---Must be Mike Johnson becaus the Democrats and the Biden Admin wouldn't do it!
I was wondering how this happened. No way it was Biden and crew.
Great news!
What a time to be alive.
And some people are still blackpilling.
Trust the FUCKING plan.
My favorite kind of plan.
Makes sense. It is a federal holiday, after all. At some point in our history, tptb thought Christmas significant and important enough to celebrate and make a federal holiday. So we should have always had the nativity displayed on government property.
Think folks can leave it alone (not try to deface or ruin it)?
No, the demons can’t help themselves
Yes, you are right. The spiritual dimension of the opposition to what the nativity scene represents must be remembered.