Also you can check out the two different constitutions. One is organic and FOR the United States of America and the other one is the new corporate constitution OF (meaning originating out of) the United States of America.
Ok this is the exact same document I was reading yesterday 😅 can you point me to the specific lines which "created a corporate body government for municipality purposes and enabled the 13th -15th amendment and the creation of the illegal Federal reserve system as well as the legal name birth certificate fraud pushed on all human beings"?
All I saw was that it combined Georgetown (Jesuit-central, yucky!) and Washington together under a local government and then proceeded to outline how that government was to be run. I didn't finish reading the whole 11 pages though.
See, Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62.
Tyvm, will check this out today! 👊
Also you can check out the two different constitutions. One is organic and FOR the United States of America and the other one is the new corporate constitution OF (meaning originating out of) the United States of America.
Is there any sauce for this claim? I have heard it but never seen anything beyond anecdotes on random blog sites
Ok this is the exact same document I was reading yesterday 😅 can you point me to the specific lines which "created a corporate body government for municipality purposes and enabled the 13th -15th amendment and the creation of the illegal Federal reserve system as well as the legal name birth certificate fraud pushed on all human beings"?
All I saw was that it combined Georgetown (Jesuit-central, yucky!) and Washington together under a local government and then proceeded to outline how that government was to be run. I didn't finish reading the whole 11 pages though.
Phoenician law
Per son
Birth berth
Pass port
Holy see