Trump wins again - $15M settlement for defamation from ABC and George Stephanopolus (hope I spelled his name right)
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
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It's spelled step-on- all- of-us.
Welcome, Fren. Winning flair added - thanks for the suggestion.
I love that PDJT is having them make it payable to the "Trump presidential foundation and museum"
Troller in chief.
MSM builds Trump a library!!!!!
Yep - winning within winning...
His name is spelled S C U M
Great news!!! But you spelled Slopadopoulos wrong.
On second thawt - I'm glad i speeled it wrong...
Lol !
$10 says Stephanopoulos files bankruptcy and will never pay a dime.
lol. George doesn't deserve the respect to spell his name right, so don't worry about that. :)