"Dollar store Obama says that Republicans refuse to help hurricane victims by not agreeing to a spending bill that includes funding Biolabs, hiding congress members' emails that may have committed a crime, and gives himself and his colleagues a 40% pay raise as the economy is on the verge...."
🧠 These people are STUPID!
Trump should fire back by proclaiming that Dems refuse to help hurricane victims because they won't give up on their self-given pay raises at a time when people are struggling through Christmas season.
👆👆👆👆👆 This.
Wr don't know how to fight back.
fuck this clown!!! the past 3.75 years have done NOTHING for Americans but hurt them!!
"Dollar Store Obama". That one makes my day Purkiss80.
This is how the DEMONrats work.
They take a small piece and lie.
This is then picked up by LSM.
Then the couch potatoes soak it in.
This is infuriating.
"....... verge of collapse. You can't make this kind of stuff up."
I don't think Washing DC knows that most of us out here would like to see the government shut down. Come back January 20, 2025.
Bring on the shut down!!!!
Diet Obama has all the hand movements bath house Barry did. It's exactly the same.
Democrats hold up aid for disaster victims by trying to force billions to be extended on our enemies and trying to pass laws allowing them to get away with treasonous acts. Sorry victims, yellow at the dems if you want the helpnyou deserve or wait 32 days and MAGA will be ther for you.
"Biological characteristics absent in nature."
The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Report was released with this damning detail among many others.
If they didn't make it, it would not exist.