I was a fed for MANY years. I was critical (had to work) for a couple of shutdowns and non-critical for most. As a citizen, not once were we impacted by the shutdowns. Those that had to work, worked and those that didn't weren't missed.
Oh, and I actually remember the pictures of the 'parks/statues/monuments' that were shutdown down in DC. And no, they were never 'manned' by the Park Service.
I remember some elderly veterans had been sponsored to travel to DC to pay homage and visit the monuments for the first time, and Obama’s admin wouldn’t allow them. A couple tried to get past the flimsy barricades, but the DC cops pushed them away.
One of my sons and I were present at the "Million Veteran March on the Monuments" in October, 2013 during the shut-down.
The Viet Nam, WWII, and Korean War memorials were surrounded by bike racks and cordoned off. We went to the memorials anyway and rallied with speakers like Sarah Palin, Sen Ted Cruz - who led the filibuster, Congressman Dick Armey, Col. Bob Manness, Larry Klayman Jenny Beth Martin, several retired Military Generals, et. al. https://www.thepostemail.com/2013/10/13/million-veterans-march-in-washington-on-now/
We marched to the White House with the bike racks and dumped them outside the gates. See this video: https://youtu.be/XHdNtEvDfu4 After demonstrating there peacefully, the DC Police who were on the far side of the plaza brandishing bully clubs ran toward us barking commands through bull horns -- eventually dispersing our crowd.
We were all mostly comprised of Tea Party Patriots many of whom were veterans, and included members of the DC Chapter of FreeRepublic, "FReepers."
Recall Megyn Kelley launched her TV show on Fox in October 2013 during the shut down, and her first guest was Ted Cruz.
The (R)'s took the House in 2010, held on through 2012, but in part because of the budget shut down in 2013, (R)'s took the Senate in 2014.
I was a fed for MANY years. I was critical (had to work) for a couple of shutdowns and non-critical for most. As a citizen, not once were we impacted by the shutdowns. Those that had to work, worked and those that didn't weren't missed.
Oh, and I actually remember the pictures of the 'parks/statues/monuments' that were shutdown down in DC. And no, they were never 'manned' by the Park Service.
I remember some elderly veterans had been sponsored to travel to DC to pay homage and visit the monuments for the first time, and Obama’s admin wouldn’t allow them. A couple tried to get past the flimsy barricades, but the DC cops pushed them away.
They weren't all elderly, though some certainly were. See my account in this thread.
One of my sons and I were present at the "Million Veteran March on the Monuments" in October, 2013 during the shut-down.
The Viet Nam, WWII, and Korean War memorials were surrounded by bike racks and cordoned off. We went to the memorials anyway and rallied with speakers like Sarah Palin, Sen Ted Cruz - who led the filibuster, Congressman Dick Armey, Col. Bob Manness, Larry Klayman Jenny Beth Martin, several retired Military Generals, et. al. https://www.thepostemail.com/2013/10/13/million-veterans-march-in-washington-on-now/
We marched to the White House with the bike racks and dumped them outside the gates. See this video: https://youtu.be/XHdNtEvDfu4 After demonstrating there peacefully, the DC Police who were on the far side of the plaza brandishing bully clubs ran toward us barking commands through bull horns -- eventually dispersing our crowd.
We were all mostly comprised of Tea Party Patriots many of whom were veterans, and included members of the DC Chapter of FreeRepublic, "FReepers."
Recall Megyn Kelley launched her TV show on Fox in October 2013 during the shut down, and her first guest was Ted Cruz.
The (R)'s took the House in 2010, held on through 2012, but in part because of the budget shut down in 2013, (R)'s took the Senate in 2014.
Question, do I need to wear a mask and adhere to social distancing during the shutdown?
And several anal COVD swabs for good measure.
It would be most unfortunate if people would conclude there is no reason for bloated .gov ....
O Horror!
At any rate, it is nice to see a journalist coming clean as to how news is fabricated.
In the words of V for Vendetta: