A year ago, I talked to a couple of migrants from El Salvador that just arrived from the caravan. They seemed like a decent humble couple. They were asked to join the caravan to come to USA because USA wanted them here. Here's what i learned:
- They had no idea who was behind the caravan.
- They were given cell phones which keeps them in contact with someone, that gives them instructions.
- They were staying in a near by Holiday Inn which is being used 100% for immigrants from around the world (Africa, China, South America).Nobody is working.
- They are all fed 3 meals a day.
So let this sink in. In the past 4 years, over ten million migrants from around the world are living in USA. They do not have jobs. They have no support system other than USA government. They are just living at the taxpayer's expense. Many cannot self deport, as they are from across the ocean.
I have to wonder, what government is being used to feed these ten million people every day? What happens if the government stops feeding them? Will they say "Oh well, I guess I"ll just roll over and starve to death now"?
I think we could be on the brink of seeing chaos released on our nation like never before.
Trump has been strongly saying he intends to deport these immigrants. Although a large percentage of the population would thank him for it, a large percent would resent him for it, and history books would call it a "controversial action."
I don't think Trump or the White hats want this. I think they want everyone to realize the horrible situation our nation's lawmakers have put us all into, so they have allowed or even nurtured the situation over the past four years.
I believe the upcoming government shutdown be exactly what puts this all into motion.
Buckle Up.
THIS is the fucking problem.
Stop with the "oh, but they got away with their crime for 10 years, so let's give them a bonus!"
They just need to go ... and strip their spawn of "muh birthright citizenship" and they go back, too.
They can tell their homies back home that it just isn't worth it.
I understand and see your point of view. I also know that I need to be Christian. I will be hard as stone with our politicians and others that permitted this to happen. I will be uncompromising with those who are killers, traffickers, pushers, thieves. I have sympathy for kids and struggling families. I also know there are good people who made a mistake and have tried to do right. I believe " Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Those that came to do us harm and those who enabled that harm to happen are the ones that get no sympathy from me.
You do realise most of these turd world parasites laugh at how soft and generous we are in the West.
They use our Christianity as a weapon against us. It’s time to get real.
Anyone in a country illegally is a criminal who committed an intentional crime. They are taking a job that a native citizen could do. As long as there is unemployment, no illegal should be working.
Agreed. If you came here illegally, I don’t care how long you’ve been here. If your parents came here illegally, sorry but you never should’ve been here. Time to learn spanish for realsies.
By your logic, we should just reward every criminal because they have kids or have a struggling family. Bull. Stop deluding yourself, They ALL knew they were committing a crime when they came here without following the proper channels. They did NOT make a mistake. They have to deal with the penalty, and the consequences of their actions. They KNEW they could not just come here, walk in and start a life. THEY ALL HAD THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SUPPORT THEM at one point or another. Wake up and STOP MAKING EXCUSES!
real words .
In that case, you should understand what the Bible actually says, and not the jewish version that corrupted it.
The Bible is a story about ONE particular people, NOT the whole world.
Matthew 15:24 --
"Jesus answered, “God sent me only to the lost sheep, the people of Israel.”"
The Israelite people are the ONLY people that Jesus came for, and that was to wash away their sins, because they kept on sinning.
That is a part of the prayer Jesus instructs His disciples to recite in Matthew 6.
But the problem is that your version of the Bible gives a false interpretation of this passage.
A more accurate interpretation would be:
"Forgive us for our sins, just as we have forgiven those who sinned against us."
It is about forgiving SIN, and has nothing to do with man-made laws.
1 John 3:4 tells us that sin "is the transgression of the Law" -- meaning God's Law, not man-made laws.
Matthew 5 tells us that we should keep the Law, and teach others to keep the Law.
If you are a Christian, that should be your focus.
This has NOTHING to do with violations of man-made law.
We need our man-made laws, too, in order to live in a peaceful, civilized society.
We have every right -- and duty -- to maintain a civilized society. Ignoring rule of law and forgiving criminals does not result in a civilized society. It results in chaos, which we have been experiencing the past 4 years.
And for the record, the jews are NOT the Israelites. Neither are the Mexicans, Indians, Chinese, Africans, or Arabs.
Jesus did not come for any of them, and He did not preach to any of them.
The modern fake churches preach blasphemy because they refuse to examine what the Bible ACTUALLY says. They are too caught up in political correctness (code word for: censorship of the truth).
Who are the Israelites of the Bible?
Check out, "Israel's Fingerprints":
Well, since the dispensation was opened to the Gentiles by Jesus' direction, you have to get used to rubbing elbows with Greeks.
This type of statement is the result of not knowing who is who in the Bible, or what some of the words actually mean. Many translations have been altered. You have to dig deeper than just a quick reading, and your local pastor will never talk about this. Either he doesn't know, or he does but he is afraid to reveal the truth (it isn't politically correct in a society that loves to believe lies).
(1) Gentiles
Where we see "gentile" in the English versions of the Bible, it must be understood that this means those who are not of the nation.
"Goy" and "goyim" in Hebrew, as well as "Ethnos" in Greek means a nation of people, related by BLOOD, not merely something spiritual.
We get "gentile" from the latin "gentilus," which meant NOT a Roman citizen.
The jews have lied about being the Israelites, and they have lied about non-jews being the "goy" or "gentiles."
It has NOTHING to do with jew or non-jew.
"Goy" is a nation of people, related by blood.
We get "nation" from the latin "nacio," which is "of birth." And they were not talking about a spiritual birth. They were talking about your parents, grandparents, etc. A community of people all related by blood.
The Japanese society would be an example of a goyim (plural), where each Japanese person is a goy (singular). The people who are in Japan but are not Japanese would be the gentiles.
(2) Dispensationalism
Be careful, cowboy.
You are getting into blasphemy territory when you claim Jesus said something that he never said.
Show me in scripture where he said it.
He didn’t.
Dispensationalism is a false, man-made doctrine dreamed up by Schofield and his infiltrating jew buddies.
They don’t believe in the Bible. They believe in the Talmud, which was the Tradition of the Elders that the Pharisees were pushing in Jesus’ day. Their mission is to destroy Christianity.
(3) Greeks
Regarding the Greeks, some Greeks (and their descendants), were/are some of the Israelite people (genetic descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel).
This is why Paul wrote to them in his letters to Corinth, Greece (1st and 2nd Corinthians). These people were Dorian Greeks, who were Israelites.
Paul was an Israelite, of the tribe (family) of Benjamin (see: Romans 11:1). He wrote all his letters to his Israelite brothers.
By that, I mean his genetic, blood relatives, not the “spiritual brothers” garbage that is taught by today’s blasphemous church preachers.
This is why his letters were to European men, including Greeks, Romans, etc.
So, “rubbing shoulders with Greeks” is not a problem at all.
But you seem to have a problem with putting words into Jesus’ mouth that don’t belong there.
That would be blasphemy.
Not a good look on your resume, when the time comes.
Matthew 5:17 --
Matthew 5:18 --
Jesus is telling you that the Law of the Old Testament is still valid, as of the New Testament. Nothing has changed, but Jesus will further our understanding.
Matthew 5:19 --
If you are a Christian, this is what you are supposed to do. Directly from Jesus.
Matthew 5:20 --
Modern churches are no more obdient to the Law than the Pharisees were, and they were not at all. They were constantly trying to overrule or find ways to get around the Law.
This is because they were the ancestors to today's jews, who do not believe in the Law, but rather the Tradition of the Elders (because the jews think their elders are smarter than God). Today, those beliefs are in the Talmud.
Today's fake Christian churches do not teach what the Bible says. Instead, they make up all sorts of false doctrines and want you to believe their bullshit -- just like the Pharisees did in Jesus' day.
They aren't aliens as described in the New Testament. They are ILLEGAL aliens. They are an invading army. No mercy, no quarter.