I have kept this Quiet for years, I think it's time you know. It was Lincoln. When the overseas military ballots came back as fake (like 16) the first thing he did was create a special millitary unit. It's job was to spy on evertything specificly congress. He took the best of the best from the military and put them under the Department of Agriculture so only the president was in oversite not congress. This was the start of what is now a global system used for emergency comunications. Think fire. Well this system is active today as repeater systems working globaly. All electronic and electromagnetic comunications are captured and repeated. They are alsos collected in bulk form. All electromagnetic forms of comunication on Earth are collected by this system. We have ALL the DATA. Not here, not there, but globaly. A fire sale.
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Let’s see, DJT spent 2020 election night at the White House, all of the libtards had a fit. Yeah he was in the scif watching the steal in real time.
Cornunnications ...
Corn. Grassley. Cornholio.
So what? They were just flying in hot dogs. Looks innocent to me.
If true, and it's a big "IF", then this would be most likely the biggest shock to the nation and the world ever. To suddenly discover that everyone's most intimate and "secret" communications is stored somewhere by a single agency. Knowledge of this could topple governments and individual lives around the world.
It is all stored in Utah. Everything in electronic communication including what I am typing here!
Drop 142- The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Heh... or jail.
I have a feeling we will get to find out.
It was a surveylance platform created to spy on congress to find the traitors.
Just like big brother, the TV show, congress should have to be live in public housing and be recorded 100 percent of the time they are elected. No free time off of a microphone. Every discussion about a deal, or reason to vote on a bill. Make the job miserable personally and only worth it to better The Peoples lives. They should also get paid an average American salary, and only be able to use the V.A. Healthcare system. They would clean the VA up immediately I bet.
Dead average salary for the state you represent. And why give them public housing? They can meet over the internet and reside where they normally do. This is 2024. We need access to them when we need them, not lobbyists having 24/7 access to all of them at once.
Gosh, we are saving the Nation here with these ideas!
Also, to expand on this thought. Elon has been working on Grok to search and collect all data and connect any crimes to specific individuals. They can lie, they can run, but they can not hide.
If I understand correctly what your saying is that everything electronicaly broadcast or transmited globaly since Lincoln has been copied and archived in some way? Or does this data colection just pertain to congress?
I'm taking it as: " We have it all." - DJT
Indeed, kind of proves this point, "Greater is He in me than he who is in the world", God wins.
Yea that is accurate. We have it ALL.
And by now a system capable of making sense of it all.
Any sauce on the how so much data could be saved, have we learned how to scrape it of the internals of a black hole?
It's all saved, it's the network used for fighting fires. It's collected as bulk data and sent as a packet. The key is that it's a full electronc spectrum copy. So all data is recorded.
Everything Everywhere all at once, nice!😀
from walki talkies to your most advanved electronics. It's all recorded and stored.
i thought the Patriot Act already gave them this kind of intrusive surveillance over all our data?
Yesbut ol Abe started with spying on Congres and made it so they had no idea or control.