If I remember correctly, volcano sacrifices were often virgin girls. I wonder if throwing him in would be a good idea, he'd ally with it to try and get more.
I am wondering if Elon will ever speak about how they fooked the sytem in Cali/US (don't know if any of this is true, but what if?) As a white hat they set up two major companies in juxtaposision one designed to offset carbon credits with Tesla's. The other creates carbon, Space X. If this crazy carbon war ever took more of a serious hold, they had a cover for it and a way to blow it apart if needed, that definitely blows a hole in it.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂(a dubious exchange at best)+++many other bennies as well.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
We have been so lied to and many believe them. I went to a friend's Christmas party and met his kids. Most of the kids believe the media and once I told them some of the info, they were like, "Oh. You mean dogs can eat garlic to prevent ticks?"
Others and waking up now but still, there's some serious information we have been lied to and concealed from.
The awakening is ultimately for the kids, so nothing to worry about, the truth is comming.😀Merry Christmas and a great new year will be yours, all glory to God.
I was going to say that too, would be great if he slipped and fell in.
Are we bad? LOL
Just think of the sulphur pollution.
This is an excellent opportunity to find out if human sacrifice (Bill Gates) can stop a volcano from erupting. I figure - why not give it a try?
There would be a huge eruption trying to spit that fu@#%r back out.
I would like him to slip and fall. Oops.
If I remember correctly, volcano sacrifices were often virgin girls. I wonder if throwing him in would be a good idea, he'd ally with it to try and get more.
Better yet, fall in there while he is there.
The Earth is more a live then most people realize.
Alive and aware.
And self correcting
No kidding. BD here know this.
Cows eating grass is killing nature? Cows eating grass is nature!
Bill Gates slip and fall into volcano is nature. Howls.
I am wondering if Elon will ever speak about how they fooked the sytem in Cali/US (don't know if any of this is true, but what if?) As a white hat they set up two major companies in juxtaposision one designed to offset carbon credits with Tesla's. The other creates carbon, Space X. If this crazy carbon war ever took more of a serious hold, they had a cover for it and a way to blow it apart if needed, that definitely blows a hole in it.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂(a dubious exchange at best)+++many other bennies as well.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
We have been so lied to and many believe them. I went to a friend's Christmas party and met his kids. Most of the kids believe the media and once I told them some of the info, they were like, "Oh. You mean dogs can eat garlic to prevent ticks?"
Others and waking up now but still, there's some serious information we have been lied to and concealed from.
The awakening is ultimately for the kids, so nothing to worry about, the truth is comming.😀Merry Christmas and a great new year will be yours, all glory to God.
Thank you so much. Merry Christmas to you and your family also.
No I disagree, send Billy cow farts. He deserves to luxuriate in the bovine heaven of cow farts.
Don't inhale. LOL
Oh yes for Green crazies, "Don't exhale and don't put out wind."