I haven't trusted Megyn Kelly since she interviewed Alifantis. She had to know that a Washington mag had him ON THE RECORD stating that he stored tomatoes in the basement, then later he denied they HAD A BASEMENT. She could have called him on that, instead, she practically gave him a massage.
I live in Germany and I work in a pretty low level, yet pretty niche field. For me to get my work visa, my boss had to prove that they were unable to find a German for my position before I was even considered for my visa.
Insane people will train thier replacements. When a liquor company tried that with me i refused and walked away with my recipe and soul knowledge of the facility. Been a year and they still haven't got running again and now have to outsource and pay another company big bucks to produce a similar bourbon. They got another 3 years of my barrels before theybl have to change thier labels.They Shouldn't have tried to go cheaper just so they could buy another sxs and vacations every other week.
When you know you aren't promised a place to lay your head it's easy to leave others to the same outcome.
Yes I know. You should have too, alas.
Mathew 8:20 And Jesus said unto him, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay His head.”
When I was child and my mother were cleaning the house nobody was allowed to move outside their room until floor would be dry and clean. Why I say it ?
Because America has enough problems with its own people and illegals now.
Repairing it all,cleaning all this mess requires low or none migration for some time until you would be able to deal with the problems you have.
You know we in Poland too have too much migrants and too much people migrating. It causes almost no necessary changes are done,and real problems being hidden "under the carpet". This can be simply bad for the nation. Every.One.Nation.
I've seen smiliar quotse from him about this. So why didn't he end it? Impossible to make a deal? Too busy dealing with CIA spying and impeachments? Then COVID etc?
I actually heard him say this, or something like it, many times. H1B visas are not allowing illegals into our country. "The H-1B visa is a nonimmigrant classification that allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations that require specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or higher. It typically allows for a stay of up to six years, with certain extensions possible under specific conditions." It is designed to provide specialized skills, not cheap labor.
But, anyone who thinks that our universities graduate all the best and brightest these days have not paid attention. Perhaps it will be so in the future.
Used to use this path in the 90's to get foreign physicians in to serve (very) rural, under served communities in Appalachia area states. I didn't witness abuse there. These doctors were paid comparably to US citizen physicians in same area.
In addition, the companies must be required to show VERIFIED proof that they interviewed U.S. applicants, keep a record (including educational and work experience of ALL applicants), before being allowed to apply for permission to administer the same interview process with H1B applicants with intent to hire. Any company that fires/lays off U.S. citizens to hire a H1B holder must be subject to substantial fines, with fines escalating with each occurrence. E-verify must be used for hiring ALL FOREIGN workers. Any company finding in non-compliance must be forfeiture of their business license and their business with a second occurrence. The ramifications of doing so must be so strict that employers will comply. When I reapplied for a health care job, not only did I have to be fingerprinted, but also show my birth certificate or passport, and a driver’s license.
I see end the abuse, I see America first.
i don't see how this is contradictory to anything I've seen from Vivek or Musk.. What quote am I missing? I fail to see how this topic has blown up and caused such an emotional response. It feels strangely like some " influencers " making drama.
I haven't trusted Megyn Kelly since she interviewed Alifantis. She had to know that a Washington mag had him ON THE RECORD stating that he stored tomatoes in the basement, then later he denied they HAD A BASEMENT. She could have called him on that, instead, she practically gave him a massage.
she covered for pizzagate
And I still have yet to forgive her for that. I don't believe I will.
Caveat: I have not verified if this is real report or accurate quote.
I live in Germany and I work in a pretty low level, yet pretty niche field. For me to get my work visa, my boss had to prove that they were unable to find a German for my position before I was even considered for my visa.
Do you speak fluent German? I’ve been wanting to investigate moving back there but my German is only A2 level.
.... and prosecute companies that hire illegals....
hold people personally responsible for it as well. not just the company that overlooks it, the individual accepting applications and interviews.
Insane people will train thier replacements. When a liquor company tried that with me i refused and walked away with my recipe and soul knowledge of the facility. Been a year and they still haven't got running again and now have to outsource and pay another company big bucks to produce a similar bourbon. They got another 3 years of my barrels before theybl have to change thier labels.They Shouldn't have tried to go cheaper just so they could buy another sxs and vacations every other week.
When you know you aren't promised a place to lay your head it's easy to leave others to the same outcome.
Hello, handshake. Only God has soul knowledge.
Yes I know. You should have too, alas. Mathew 8:20 And Jesus said unto him, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay His head.”
eliminate the abuse ------ by eliminating it altogether
Years ago, I remember him retweeting someone suggesting we should down immigration altogether. Then he deleted it, or it got lost in the noise.
I suspect that is his actual position.
For some time you should do it for sure.
When I was child and my mother were cleaning the house nobody was allowed to move outside their room until floor would be dry and clean. Why I say it ?
Because America has enough problems with its own people and illegals now. Repairing it all,cleaning all this mess requires low or none migration for some time until you would be able to deal with the problems you have.
You know we in Poland too have too much migrants and too much people migrating. It causes almost no necessary changes are done,and real problems being hidden "under the carpet". This can be simply bad for the nation. Every.One.Nation.
America First = Americans First.
Promises made, promises kept.
I've seen smiliar quotse from him about this. So why didn't he end it? Impossible to make a deal? Too busy dealing with CIA spying and impeachments? Then COVID etc?
I actually heard him say this, or something like it, many times. H1B visas are not allowing illegals into our country. "The H-1B visa is a nonimmigrant classification that allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations that require specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or higher. It typically allows for a stay of up to six years, with certain extensions possible under specific conditions." It is designed to provide specialized skills, not cheap labor. But, anyone who thinks that our universities graduate all the best and brightest these days have not paid attention. Perhaps it will be so in the future.
Used to use this path in the 90's to get foreign physicians in to serve (very) rural, under served communities in Appalachia area states. I didn't witness abuse there. These doctors were paid comparably to US citizen physicians in same area.
This statement is from 8 years ago.
sure, also doesn't mean it is not still true.
I didn't say it wasn't true. Just pointing out the date.
In addition, the companies must be required to show VERIFIED proof that they interviewed U.S. applicants, keep a record (including educational and work experience of ALL applicants), before being allowed to apply for permission to administer the same interview process with H1B applicants with intent to hire. Any company that fires/lays off U.S. citizens to hire a H1B holder must be subject to substantial fines, with fines escalating with each occurrence. E-verify must be used for hiring ALL FOREIGN workers. Any company finding in non-compliance must be forfeiture of their business license and their business with a second occurrence. The ramifications of doing so must be so strict that employers will comply. When I reapplied for a health care job, not only did I have to be fingerprinted, but also show my birth certificate or passport, and a driver’s license.
My organization is literally trying to do this to me but the girl is completely the fuck retarded
Context: IT
I see end the abuse, I see America first. i don't see how this is contradictory to anything I've seen from Vivek or Musk.. What quote am I missing? I fail to see how this topic has blown up and caused such an emotional response. It feels strangely like some " influencers " making drama.