Whistleblower: Ukraine's President Zelensky Running Child Trafficking Network - News Addicts
A whistleblower has given a disturbing statement and alleged that Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife Olena are running an international child trafficking network.
They ply the ancient Khazarian trades of kidnapping, extortion, bribery and blackmail. It's their history and their future.
The Ashkenazi Jews were mainly known as scholars and philosophers, not bandits and thugs. They were spread all over thru history, particularly Italy and Southern Europe. They were also constantly beat on by the Romans. The Khazars moistly stayed home and just worked the Silk Road as criminals.
Almost like things that happened in early 1900s happened for a reason...
I think we knew all this time. And we sent billions and trillions to Ukraine with our hard earned tax dollars.. so now geez .. is the blood on our hands too? Trump better get in there and stop all this shit and take the money back . Karma and Law of Universe is real, you don’t mess with that and think there is no repercussions for the entire country. God is watching and judging us. I fear God’s judgement as a tax payer tbh. Maybe illogical for normies but if you’re a God fearing person you will start thinking this way.
like stockholm syndrome
Hes too coked out to run anything. He allows it. Hes part of it. He uses it himself. But he doesnt run a thing.
Another “conspiracy theory” that just became a fact. - yes we knew all along.
The Khazarian army is the worst of the worst. They settled just over the border after the war. In the beginning of this Ukrainian war, that is why they were stripping soldiers to their scivies and duct tapinging them to light poles. That exposed their Khazarian tatoos. They were killing their own countrymen and the Ukrainians were exposing that.
So many details that are lost over time. That have significant meaning and consequences.
If proven true, I want to see Zelenskyy strapped to a table live on tv. Doctors can take a metal nail file and a pair of cuticle scissors to remove Zelenskyy's penis and scrotum. Oh and It doesn't matter if the file and scissors are blunt.
Farming and stealing of babies and selling organs. Already revealed. His wife knows all. Never seen a more paranoid secret -hiding face in my life
That's why the govt sends him all the free money.
Khazars gonna khazar
Just another layer of shit icing on a shit cake.
Over a year old. I have heard nothing new on this.
No surprise here.
One of the theories when Kate Middleton went missing was that she found out about this and wanted to blow the whistle. The royals locked her away and threatened her and the kids. They had to put out fake photos and videos because she refused to co-operate. The cancer was basically the last straw making her realise they'd have her killed and blame it on that.
The month before she went missing she was at some function and passed a note secretly to Derren Brown that said 'help me'