I will not participate in their lies and delusions. I didnt the first time and I wont this time either. They can fuck off right to hell.
This time though I wont simply leave once they chased me down to remove me, I will force them to arrest me and then I will sue the crap out of them. One thing in my favor where I live is that the Sheriff refused to comply with Governor Cunts "mandates". We had a restaurant that never closed nearby. No maks either. Sheriff never bothered them.
In the list of sources of infection "Vaccine" wasn't mentioned. I truly believe that the vaccine was the foremost source of illness and spread. It was all intentional and follows the depopulation programs we've all heard about.
My sister had every jab and booster and developed Covid after every shot, while I had it once five years ago after an urgent care visit and never again since, in spite of no vax.
I will not participate in their lies and delusions. I didnt the first time and I wont this time either. They can fuck off right to hell.
This time though I wont simply leave once they chased me down to remove me, I will force them to arrest me and then I will sue the crap out of them. One thing in my favor where I live is that the Sheriff refused to comply with Governor Cunts "mandates". We had a restaurant that never closed nearby. No maks either. Sheriff never bothered them.
Aaannnnd... it's gone.
Is my link not syncing to Nick’s cnn clip? It works for me
Hmmm, I keep getting "This page doesn't exist...."
I’ll see what I can do
It says the page does not exist.
GOT IT, thanks!
Make no mistake Dr Birx is good! She can sit in a studio with lights and cameras and spin a narrative using intelligence linguistics
The phrasing and structure is the same as Bill Gates, Craig Ventor, Serg Bryn, and others that are in the Humanism religions.
Here she is, you’ll hear her say They’re running the flu pandemic. At the 1:03 time https://x.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1872785188054512013?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1872785188054512013%7Ctwgr%5E118500c88eec1fb523b0b890c472f96e9f55a65e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgreatawakening.win%2Fp%2F19A12sDpQW%2Fcnn-doctor-deborah-birx-pushes-f%2Fc%2F
Keep an open mind, don't panic, and DON'T FORGET YOUR TOWEL!
Such a good book.
In the list of sources of infection "Vaccine" wasn't mentioned. I truly believe that the vaccine was the foremost source of illness and spread. It was all intentional and follows the depopulation programs we've all heard about. My sister had every jab and booster and developed Covid after every shot, while I had it once five years ago after an urgent care visit and never again since, in spite of no vax.
Yep, just got back from the grocery store, people are wearing masks again. Oooooo the Bird flu.
There is also "nuclear" threat that they can leverage state of emergency conditions on.
Right on time.
January 21st Horetz predicted it.
He is so psychic.
Try here: