Yes he said cuz he said if it wasn't for H1B, he would have never came to America to "found" his businesses here.
So he came here by way of H1B visa.
Guess that's his way of saying he was cheap labor the whole time and not on O-1 visa, the visa held for the 0.01%ers, aka the extremely intelligent immigrants with high skills.
That doesn’t mean anything. They can come in “legally” and change the entire demographics, economics and social cohesion of places.
They stick to their own and don’t care about this countries values.
The H1B’s were the first to Kowtow to the Covid crap.
I don’t care about legal or illegal people need to understand what America first means. Do we care about our culture at all or as long as America has the greatest GDP well turn every city into mini India?
".....and anyone born here is a retard and should get the fuck out of the way of everyone else who wants to take your jobs and your country away from you." - Elon probably.
We've been conquered already. We absorbed too many people who never wanted to be American, they just wanted to be in America. They hate our culture as Vivek so eloquently reminded us. And if there's one thing about non-americans, they fucking hate americans.
Elon doesn't have a better argument, and can not honestly answer the questions asked. So now he is virtue signaling.
Which is why I think this is contrived.
Disagree if whites become the minority the country is over. America will lose its western cultural identity.
And this emotional hogwash doesn’t account for the cultural and economic damage mass immigration brings.
My God some of you need to go to Seattle or San Francisco if you want to see what happens when you let in unlimited foreigners to a place.
We have both lol
Is Elon defending the H1-B?
Yes he said cuz he said if it wasn't for H1B, he would have never came to America to "found" his businesses here.
So he came here by way of H1B visa.
Guess that's his way of saying he was cheap labor the whole time and not on O-1 visa, the visa held for the 0.01%ers, aka the extremely intelligent immigrants with high skills.
which was a lie, he didn't ride here on an H1B
That doesn’t mean anything. They can come in “legally” and change the entire demographics, economics and social cohesion of places.
They stick to their own and don’t care about this countries values.
The H1B’s were the first to Kowtow to the Covid crap.
I don’t care about legal or illegal people need to understand what America first means. Do we care about our culture at all or as long as America has the greatest GDP well turn every city into mini India?
Legal immigration is just code for its "OK" to mix in more brown people. If you want to erase American Whites, this is the Trojan horse
I agree! Thats not possible to do if your breaking the law!
".....and anyone born here is a retard and should get the fuck out of the way of everyone else who wants to take your jobs and your country away from you." - Elon probably.
We've been conquered already. We absorbed too many people who never wanted to be American, they just wanted to be in America. They hate our culture as Vivek so eloquently reminded us. And if there's one thing about non-americans, they fucking hate americans.