Why was this 'beating' all caught on camera? And then why was it published?
For exactly this reason. They need to ramp up their rioters for the coming Inauguration. But people no longer believe the lies. BLM are nothing but grifters and death cult brownshirts, cultivated by Obama. The ends they hope to achieve dont resemble Justice in any way. Just look at the sign one of them was carrying -- Abolish Prisons. Yea thats a take all Americans can get behind (/s if you didnt recognize it)
Theyve completely lost control of the narrative. The outrage they used to generate for their 'causes' now is directed back at them. The harder they try, the more the People awaken to the ruse. Fuck these demon rats.
In the case of Brooks its about intimidating the judge and jury into finding the men guilty of racially aggravated murder. They will demand this is categorised as a racist hate crime and that they all get life sentences. Anything less will be a cause for rioting and left wing hysteria
they didn't make a peep when black police officers beat an innocent man to death (actually they blamed that on white supremacy), they only care about criminals.
HA!! These losers may as well stay home moving forward
They were exposed as grifters.
I tried several other hoaxes since 2021 but were immediately exposed on X, so I never got any steam.
Nobody bothered to put any effort into BLM even during the election.
It's a dead organization
Why was this 'beating' all caught on camera? And then why was it published?
For exactly this reason. They need to ramp up their rioters for the coming Inauguration. But people no longer believe the lies. BLM are nothing but grifters and death cult brownshirts, cultivated by Obama. The ends they hope to achieve dont resemble Justice in any way. Just look at the sign one of them was carrying -- Abolish Prisons. Yea thats a take all Americans can get behind (/s if you didnt recognize it)
Theyve completely lost control of the narrative. The outrage they used to generate for their 'causes' now is directed back at them. The harder they try, the more the People awaken to the ruse. Fuck these demon rats.
One other thing -- no way in hell would I attend Times Square tomorrow night. It may end up looking like a scene from 'The Purge'.
What an odd disclaimer … thankful people are continuing to wake up to the true agendas of these corrupt organizations, albeit a very slow process.
I am left wondering why the cops did that to a guy that had his hands cuffed behind his back? Why strip his clothes off?
No Ukraine money grift, no BLM.
In the case of Brooks its about intimidating the judge and jury into finding the men guilty of racially aggravated murder. They will demand this is categorised as a racist hate crime and that they all get life sentences. Anything less will be a cause for rioting and left wing hysteria
BLM won't work like it did in the past.
they didn't make a peep when black police officers beat an innocent man to death (actually they blamed that on white supremacy), they only care about criminals.
they only care about their peeps
It's too cold outside to be annoying. There will be more outside when it's summer.