Whenever one complains about not understanding something non-beneficial for our country (ie borders open), I’d say to them “take the lens you’re looking thru and add that your govt is not for you but against you. Now look at that situation”. I’d get “ahhhhhhh”s after that. Ding ding
Right, honestly it doesn't need to be actively against you. But it could be for some other individual interest the people in power have that is opposite to the interests the average person has.
In the end the effect is the same, they end up being against you because they don't even care about you, only for themselves and their interests.
And getting filthy rich while doing it.
[They] are doing both, actually
Oh the eye rolls I've gotten from my family over the years trying to convey this message!
"If that were true, it'd be on the news!"
Oh yeah! My favorite retort of the ignorant.
I’ve been telling fam and frens this for a loooong time now
Whenever one complains about not understanding something non-beneficial for our country (ie borders open), I’d say to them “take the lens you’re looking thru and add that your govt is not for you but against you. Now look at that situation”. I’d get “ahhhhhhh”s after that. Ding ding
Right, honestly it doesn't need to be actively against you. But it could be for some other individual interest the people in power have that is opposite to the interests the average person has.
In the end the effect is the same, they end up being against you because they don't even care about you, only for themselves and their interests.