When Q said watch the water, he was referring to the FLOOD of information coming. It has nothing to do with wastewater, rivers, the ocean, cess pools, or any other physical H20. It was a metaphor pointing to the flood of information.
The people behind running these scams and spreading the disease should all be rounded up and executed for crimes against humanity. Every last one of them down to the useful idiots.
Maybe you're new to all this, but you do understand that they're using PCR tests once again for detection. Are you aware of the PCR test history or have you been living under a rock for the past 4 years?
You’re an asshole. Don’t be so cynical handshake. I’ve been here since before the beginning. That’s easily checked btw. I know newbies are coming aboard. Learn to get along how bout it?
I've been around for awhile too just by different names. Me and certain mods tend to have a love hate relationship and sorry I'm generally an asshole by nature, but what I say is truth, you can like it or leave it, but I'll do me. There's too much Hysteria being spread and you aren't helping. Honestly it seems like you and a lot of other individuals are new to the community and are either intentionally trying to steer this movement or are generally ignorant. I've taken a sabbatical for the last several months, but there's too much crazy stuff being suggested to take the back seat any longer. You and a lot of other people read a realignment, mentally and spiritually. There's a lot of fucked up things going on, but what some of you people are peddling only discredits q and the movement. Sorry not sorry
Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the nation, they need to start the new pandemic from somewhere where there’s a large number of people. Now that we have a hob goblin as a governor, I’m sure she’d be more than happy to push a shut down here. We didn’t have to go through that with our former governor, even though he was a douche bag anyway, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they started pushing that here. Also, fun fact, many of the parks throughout the greater Phoenix area are irrigated with reuse water. When they irrigate the parks, you can smell it. It stinks so bad. 🤢 if they wanted to spread a disease, they could easily do it that way, because people go to park with their children, and they run in the grass and their dogs running in the grass. Etc.. personally I think bird flu is another fake pandemic. They’re just gonna repackage the flu again.
According to CDC records (don't trust them), there has been only 60 or so cases of Bird flu in the entire US since April 2024. And, none of them are human to human. The CDC has frequently lied about cases, so there is no way of knowing if any of this is true. But 60 cases is a pitiful effort on their part if they are starting a pandemic.
When Q said watch the water, he was referring to the FLOOD of information coming. It has nothing to do with wastewater, rivers, the ocean, cess pools, or any other physical H20. It was a metaphor pointing to the flood of information.
Multiple meanings exist.
Disinfo is necessary.
According to who exactly?
I don’t recall a post that indicated what you are claiming. Where’s the sauce?
The people behind running these scams and spreading the disease should all be rounded up and executed for crimes against humanity. Every last one of them down to the useful idiots.
Per Google from 2003-2023 463 people died from the "bird flu"... But in just the year 2023 alone 105,007 people died from overdose..Come on man !
Maybe you're new to all this, but you do understand that they're using PCR tests once again for detection. Are you aware of the PCR test history or have you been living under a rock for the past 4 years?
You’re an asshole. Don’t be so cynical handshake. I’ve been here since before the beginning. That’s easily checked btw. I know newbies are coming aboard. Learn to get along how bout it?
I've been around for awhile too just by different names. Me and certain mods tend to have a love hate relationship and sorry I'm generally an asshole by nature, but what I say is truth, you can like it or leave it, but I'll do me. There's too much Hysteria being spread and you aren't helping. Honestly it seems like you and a lot of other individuals are new to the community and are either intentionally trying to steer this movement or are generally ignorant. I've taken a sabbatical for the last several months, but there's too much crazy stuff being suggested to take the back seat any longer. You and a lot of other people read a realignment, mentally and spiritually. There's a lot of fucked up things going on, but what some of you people are peddling only discredits q and the movement. Sorry not sorry
Nah .... they also "discovered COVID" in waste water.
And the way it works, these discoveries, as shown by Dr. Landa, especially with these PCR-tests, they can discover ANY-thing.
When they speak of virus, they mean their product-patent. And PCR = the plandemic.
Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the nation, they need to start the new pandemic from somewhere where there’s a large number of people. Now that we have a hob goblin as a governor, I’m sure she’d be more than happy to push a shut down here. We didn’t have to go through that with our former governor, even though he was a douche bag anyway, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they started pushing that here. Also, fun fact, many of the parks throughout the greater Phoenix area are irrigated with reuse water. When they irrigate the parks, you can smell it. It stinks so bad. 🤢 if they wanted to spread a disease, they could easily do it that way, because people go to park with their children, and they run in the grass and their dogs running in the grass. Etc.. personally I think bird flu is another fake pandemic. They’re just gonna repackage the flu again.
According to CDC records (don't trust them), there has been only 60 or so cases of Bird flu in the entire US since April 2024. And, none of them are human to human. The CDC has frequently lied about cases, so there is no way of knowing if any of this is true. But 60 cases is a pitiful effort on their part if they are starting a pandemic.
Don't you remember when they did this with covid in the wastewater of universities?
More scare tactics and an excuse for lockdowns. Don't fall for it again.
Jesus! I’m not falling for anything!
If only there were some good men with the intel and skill needed to stand up against the genocidal maniacs who are trying to wipe out humanity.
Out of Arizona, of all places for news to appear, the Mexican cartel with California cartel runs Az