Sleeping woman burned to death on NYC subway train pictured in HS yearbook photo: ‘Million dollar smile’
Debrina Kawam had aspirations to be a flight attendant and was known for her “million dollar smile,” according to her high school yearbook biography.
The video didn’t add up either
It looked more like a mannequin was on fire, how does the body not fall down?
Just stiff as a board, no screams, no movement?
The pic of the corpse, no distortion or anything, just solid gray…
The fuck is goin on here?
For anyone living in NY are there any empty trains at 7:30am commuting hour?
If there are cameras everywhere, why wasn't there one in this train?
How would someone stand so still while on fire? I have been on fire and moved very fast to jump in water
Anyone on fire is moving wildly trying to put the fire out.
Not a rarity. There was one video that immediately came to mind, but I can't find it right now. But, here's one anyway
the blonde is not her
I agree. I noticed someone announcing they knew who it was today but thought to myself, hold on, they announced her name days after it happened and she was in her 20s. Now saying it was someone else?
Still no explanation as to how flicking a match causes that kind of fire.
Some early stories said Alcohol Bottles were reportedly found near the victim. Which gave initial impressions the guy lit a Drunk on fire.
But that detail seems to have dropped from a lot of the reporting. So IDK if it was or wasn’t true.
But an alcoholic covered in spilled Booze would explain a few things. Such as how she went up so quickly. And why she apparently managed to just stand there. Despite being a Human Torch. If she was plastered already the nerves and pain receptors wouldn’t be firing at their peak.
Yeah and the cops just walking by like nothing happened. I thought, were those cops just added into the video? I don't know but that whole thing looks faked.
The thing is 80 proof alcohol normally isn't flammable unless it's been heated.
Maybe some anomaly happened I can't account for but the story definitely has some holes.
It didnt she was doused in alcohol first.
Regular booze doesn't catch fire unless heated.
Wasn't it said the Ameila girl was AI generated? Is that the other person you mean?
There were two separate occasions within hours of each other involving two different women from what I have been able to gather.