Trump is likely right. The media hates America, don't listen to them. Also, I think the military is being attacked so that they can't be trusted once deportations start. Also, recall that Trump said, "don't fall for it," in regards to the bird flu. Bingo, we get a false flag attack staged by the FBI and CIA.
Do you remember the Ft Hood shooter, and 0bama calling it workplace violence and not a terrorist attack? The shooter was an army major, a psychologist, and a muslim.
Didn't Trump say he was a foreigner? Now the suspect is a US citizen and soldier in the military?
Time to purge these lunatics from our military. Clean house white hats.
Trump is likely right. The media hates America, don't listen to them. Also, I think the military is being attacked so that they can't be trusted once deportations start. Also, recall that Trump said, "don't fall for it," in regards to the bird flu. Bingo, we get a false flag attack staged by the FBI and CIA.
Feels like their lies simply come out to contradict Trump sometimes, like it serves no other narrative purpose at times.
Trump has the top intel. I trust Trump.
Allegedly, he was a Texan military vet.
Fully brown Indian and Islamic, but allegedly born in Texas, served us military, and then flew isis flag and rammed the crowd.
His name is released, some retarded pajeet name I forget (not at my PC this minute) but it's an "American" born alla hackbar terrorist vet.
It's a clusterfuck
And how many feds were involved in this one?
It may be that we've been given the wrong perp, wait and see.
Hired by the FBEye or CIYA
Or, MK-Ultra'd by them.
Do you remember the Ft Hood shooter, and 0bama calling it workplace violence and not a terrorist attack? The shooter was an army major, a psychologist, and a muslim.