I've seen an orb up close in person, about 20 years ago. It's definitely not phenomenon of nature, it displayed high intelligence. We were in a car when we came up on it and we stopped and observed it. It was hovering over a house right off the road, not far at all from us. We watched for several minutes before we started to slowly creep forward to leave, then it started moving parallel with us. It matched our speed and stayed with us. At that point I told my husband "let me grab my camera and get a good pic of this thing" (I was a professional photog at the time and had my gear with me in the car and a $5k lens capable of zooming in on this thing and getting a detailed shot). Just as soon as I said that the damn think took off strait up into space, in like a second, fastest thing I've ever seen. Nothing here can move that fast. Nothing. I don't know what they are, but they are not a phenomenon of nature, THAT is for sure.
So I think this videos theory is the most plausible explanation for the whole drone/uap situation.
Long story very short, there are “plasmoids”in the atmosphere and the drones are our govt studying the phenomena. I thought plasmoids was like a bs ufo person term but a quick search shows that it’s a real thing. This is the only theory that explains every aspect of the story imo
This explains why People are reporting drones and uaps that exhibit non drone/plane behavior.
It explains why the govt confidently says they don’t know what it is but it’s not a threat. Because it’s an atmospheric phenomena or something even stranger potentially.
It explains why this has occurred before around nov/dec. similar atmosphere conditions.
As a paranormal researcher (just for fun) I've seen and taken photos of orbs which look very much the same, albeit much smaller. The orbs we see in paranormal research don't usually show to the naked eye, but sometimes do. On Twitter, @Kabamur says the plasmoids belong the Galactic Federation and that this is part of disclosure. Galactic Federation is also supposed to be the biblical angels.
Interesting, but I don’t think that is what the drones were up to. They were all following the FAA rules to remain below 400 feet. I believe they were hunting a radioactive object, likely weaponized. Contractor or contractors for plausible deniability. I noticed how carefully constructed the government’s explanations have been. Always a tell.
That was my theory before I heard this one as well but there’s a couple problems imo. First it doesn’t explain these plasma like “orbs” that people are seeing.
Second you have to be pretty close to a radioactive device to be able to detect it with sensors. Actual nuclear bombs give off very very little so I’d say it’s definitely not that. Some radioactive material that could be used in a dirty bomb? Maybe but again it would have to be a shit ton of it to detect it from that high up with current tech
I think this theory is only plausible if you assume the govt has very very secret advanced detection devices for radiation but again it doesn’t explain the orb part of the situation
I think they were using two different types of sensors. We got a maybe, send in the other drone. It is a sensor I proposed to hunt IEDs. It’s an active sensor that can penetrate any material.
Yes but as far as I know ball lightning is rarer and they don’t stay formed for as long as these uaps, plus these uaps seem to have aspects that don’t exactly match what we know about ball lightning.
So either a similar phenomena or a wilder theory would be that they are some type of non carbon based lifeform or potentially a human created plasma device or vehicle. Impossible to say for sure at this point
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing
I've seen an orb up close in person, about 20 years ago. It's definitely not phenomenon of nature, it displayed high intelligence. We were in a car when we came up on it and we stopped and observed it. It was hovering over a house right off the road, not far at all from us. We watched for several minutes before we started to slowly creep forward to leave, then it started moving parallel with us. It matched our speed and stayed with us. At that point I told my husband "let me grab my camera and get a good pic of this thing" (I was a professional photog at the time and had my gear with me in the car and a $5k lens capable of zooming in on this thing and getting a detailed shot). Just as soon as I said that the damn think took off strait up into space, in like a second, fastest thing I've ever seen. Nothing here can move that fast. Nothing. I don't know what they are, but they are not a phenomenon of nature, THAT is for sure.
So I think this videos theory is the most plausible explanation for the whole drone/uap situation.
Long story very short, there are “plasmoids”in the atmosphere and the drones are our govt studying the phenomena. I thought plasmoids was like a bs ufo person term but a quick search shows that it’s a real thing. This is the only theory that explains every aspect of the story imo
This explains why People are reporting drones and uaps that exhibit non drone/plane behavior.
It explains why the govt confidently says they don’t know what it is but it’s not a threat. Because it’s an atmospheric phenomena or something even stranger potentially.
It explains why this has occurred before around nov/dec. similar atmosphere conditions.
As a paranormal researcher (just for fun) I've seen and taken photos of orbs which look very much the same, albeit much smaller. The orbs we see in paranormal research don't usually show to the naked eye, but sometimes do. On Twitter, @Kabamur says the plasmoids belong the Galactic Federation and that this is part of disclosure. Galactic Federation is also supposed to be the biblical angels.
The TV show skinwalker ranch,has seen and done a lot of research on these things,
Ancient Astronaut Theorists say "YES"!!!
Interesting, but I don’t think that is what the drones were up to. They were all following the FAA rules to remain below 400 feet. I believe they were hunting a radioactive object, likely weaponized. Contractor or contractors for plausible deniability. I noticed how carefully constructed the government’s explanations have been. Always a tell.
That was my theory before I heard this one as well but there’s a couple problems imo. First it doesn’t explain these plasma like “orbs” that people are seeing. Second you have to be pretty close to a radioactive device to be able to detect it with sensors. Actual nuclear bombs give off very very little so I’d say it’s definitely not that. Some radioactive material that could be used in a dirty bomb? Maybe but again it would have to be a shit ton of it to detect it from that high up with current tech
I think this theory is only plausible if you assume the govt has very very secret advanced detection devices for radiation but again it doesn’t explain the orb part of the situation
I think they were using two different types of sensors. We got a maybe, send in the other drone. It is a sensor I proposed to hunt IEDs. It’s an active sensor that can penetrate any material.
so, ball lightning?
Yes but as far as I know ball lightning is rarer and they don’t stay formed for as long as these uaps, plus these uaps seem to have aspects that don’t exactly match what we know about ball lightning.
So either a similar phenomena or a wilder theory would be that they are some type of non carbon based lifeform or potentially a human created plasma device or vehicle. Impossible to say for sure at this point