Zelensky has deceiving spirits, lieing spirit, homo spirit, spirit of iniquity, spirit of anti Christ and a spirit of murder. We wrestle not against flesh and blood
When you've siphoned $billions from the stupid Americans, have luxury mansions in a dozen swank locations around the world, are treated like a king in many countries, then yeah, shit went to his head and he thinks he's God.
In Matthew 24:23–24, Jesus says, “And then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.”
So now he’s mocking Christ?
This little cockroach needs to be stepped on.
God will not be mocked.
The wifey looks absolutely petrified. It’s been perhaps 2 years since she was in Ukraine.
Cocaine physcosis is an end stage symptom. Expiration date is near. lol
Trust me bro! Get me my phone.
Ukraine is being smashed to the ground by a gay actor, who is playing the roll of a teenaged pResident dictator
Lord of the Flies, but with more explosives.
Which will end when adults roll into town with persuasion.. like a big column of T-90 tanks. Again somewhat like the book.
He's doing so much coke now, he's psychotic!
Sounds like he is mocking our Lord & savior. Cant wait to see what happens now!!
The charlie sheen arc
Cocaine is a hellova drug
The disabled man got up and walked because he was afraid he was going to be conscripted into the Ukraine army.
Zelensky has deceiving spirits, lieing spirit, homo spirit, spirit of iniquity, spirit of anti Christ and a spirit of murder. We wrestle not against flesh and blood
When you've siphoned $billions from the stupid Americans, have luxury mansions in a dozen swank locations around the world, are treated like a king in many countries, then yeah, shit went to his head and he thinks he's God.
He has lost his mind
In Matthew 24:23–24, Jesus says, “And then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.”
So THIS twerp is who we get for the Antichrist-?!
I KEKd so hard at this! Wouldn't that be more what we deserve, Dollar General antichrist!
He's lost his coked-up faggy marbles.