posted ago by Jscholl17 ago by Jscholl17 +98 / -0

That is the impression I got while watching Today's memorial service at the Carter Center. Regardless of what you think of the late President, It appears that former President Clinton once called him "a treasonous prick." The Sauce:

Without telling the Clinton administration, however, Carter flew to North Korea with a CNN film crew and proceeded to negotiate the framework of an agreement. He then informed the Clinton team after the fact, with little warning, that he was about to go on CNN to announce the deal. This infuriated the Clinton administration, and according to Brinkley’s account, one cabinet member called the former president a “treasonous prick.” To make matters worse, Carter then accepted a dinner invitation from Kim, at which point Carter claimed on camera that the U.S. had stopped pursuing sanctions at the U.N., which was untrue. Nevertheless, once Carter went on television to announce all this, Clinton felt completely boxed in, and he was forced to accept the deal and abandon sanction efforts.

This tells me that the UN and the Clinton Administration were trying to launch a new Korean War. Thanks to Ex-President Carter, this war never happened which meant less death and destruction.