He didnt rewrite the Bible. He put study helps in the Bible for study purposes. Some disagree with his theoligy but he added commentary. Not a rewrite.
He was a student of John Darby and he reinterpreted parts of the Bible to fit with John Darby's theological slant. John Darby was connected to the Rothschilds.
If you could? There is nothing about this in Darwins Autobiography, it just mentions his spiritual agonies about publishing his discoveries and how his friends got him to seek a publisher.
Lara Logan has been know to spread antisemitism and conspiracy theories. Last November, she compared Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.
Reinforce Dispensationalism as a dominant theology particularly in Protestant Churches in America. Coincidentally Dispensationalism and Premillennialism is largely the origin of the Mainstream American Christian Rights. Dogged adherence to and Defense of Israel.
It’s also at the centerpiece of Many Modern Christian Apocalyptic takes. Such as the churches that predict the Rapture every other year. Only to shift goalposts.
It also caused no shortage of Friction and Division among Christian Churches. But that’s a different topic.
Is the Scofield Bible any different than the King James Version? I thought it got a lot of the "thee" and "tho" out of the phrasiology to make it more readable. Old English is hard to read if you are not well versed in it.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places." -1599 Geneva
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." --- King James
Starting to see why the Pilgrims were mad , so King James spent a boat load of cash to get another translation a few years later ? Could it be the language was designed to hide ?
The SB is not specifically an English translation of the original manuscripts. The SB is a Study Bible which means it adds the authors notes of explanation along side the Bible on each page. The most popular English translation to be found as a Scofield Study Bible wil be the King James translation or commonly understood as the King James Version. The KJV and some older English translation still found today use the Olde English as opposed to a current translation of the original languages into today's common English. The New King James translation removes the Olde English terms for more modern terms.
The King James version was commissioned because King James was discontent with the Geneva Bible, and its perspective on kings. The Geneva Bible was the common bible of the American colonists, since they were mostly persecuted Christian denominations. (I've read it. The archaic language takes a bit of getting used to, but it is still English and understandable. I have a preference for early translations as having been less inclined to plane smooth the meaning for the sake of contemporary thinking.)
It’s why I use the Orthodox Study Bible. It’s got useful annotations, and who better to translate Greek than Greeks? But I’m not hostile to the KJV.
The Septuagint (ca 300 BC) was a translation from Hebrew to Greek which they still use. Amazingly it corresponds quite closely to the Masoretic text (ca 800 AD) translation from Hebrew to English. There’s some small differences in the order of the Psalms, but it’s pretty much the same.
The most amazing thing is how closely the Bible books match the Dead Sea Scrolls. It seems not to have been riddled with errors after all. It hasn’t been mistranslated. Nothing has been added.
I had 3 years of German study in high school---over half a century ago! I've occasionally been curious about getting a copy of Martin Luther's translation of the Bible from Latin. And of the Orthodox Bible in modern Russian. All these languages, yet the Message still comes through.
Scofield put his commentary and notes in there and they actually called it the 'Scofield Bible', which it isn't...it should be called a Scofield Commentary at best. Then you get Moody involved, and then the Rothschild family...then it gets pushed at places like Dallas Seminary and spreads like wildfire. Why you ask? This is where the 'we must ignore the words and warnings of Christ and instead cup the balls of the fake Jews, aka the SOS,' Christians began. Militant and fervent zionisma at its best/worst. My childhood preacher is still a good friend and mentor of mine and his son is my lifelong best friend. It doesn't matter how many times you point out the very words of Christ, they will deny and/or support actions taken against non Jews and double down on how they are the chosen ones. It's all part of the great deception...
Dispensational Christian zionism.
This. Much less wordy than my explanation.
I was feeling a little short and sweet today. 😁
He didnt rewrite the Bible. He put study helps in the Bible for study purposes. Some disagree with his theoligy but he added commentary. Not a rewrite.
He was a student of John Darby and he reinterpreted parts of the Bible to fit with John Darby's theological slant. John Darby was connected to the Rothschilds.
Also notable is the Darby and Crowley connection.
Ever wonder why they called it the Scofield Bible instead of a Bible with simply commentary from Scofield?
It is actually called the scofield reference bible.
Scofield was a student of the preacher John Darby who was a friend of the Rothschilds. Explained here in 55 seconds
The Rocthchilds commissioned Darwin to write "Origin of the Species". I don't have the source but could probably find it again.
If you could? There is nothing about this in Darwins Autobiography, it just mentions his spiritual agonies about publishing his discoveries and how his friends got him to seek a publisher.
Lara Logan was where I first heard it but of course the link has been taken down: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/tv/other/lara-logan-says-rothschilds-paid-darwin-to-invent-evolution-theory/ar-AAVBIfV?cid=msedgntp&cvid=0ef1539e92db43acbf89d4553189d87d
Then the screams of antisemitism started: https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-702599
Notice what else they said about Lara:
Reinforce Dispensationalism as a dominant theology particularly in Protestant Churches in America. Coincidentally Dispensationalism and Premillennialism is largely the origin of the Mainstream American Christian Rights. Dogged adherence to and Defense of Israel.
It’s also at the centerpiece of Many Modern Christian Apocalyptic takes. Such as the churches that predict the Rapture every other year. Only to shift goalposts.
It also caused no shortage of Friction and Division among Christian Churches. But that’s a different topic.
Is the Scofield Bible any different than the King James Version? I thought it got a lot of the "thee" and "tho" out of the phrasiology to make it more readable. Old English is hard to read if you are not well versed in it.
Ephesians 6:12
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places." -1599 Geneva
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." --- King James
Starting to see why the Pilgrims were mad , so King James spent a boat load of cash to get another translation a few years later ? Could it be the language was designed to hide ?
The SB is not specifically an English translation of the original manuscripts. The SB is a Study Bible which means it adds the authors notes of explanation along side the Bible on each page. The most popular English translation to be found as a Scofield Study Bible wil be the King James translation or commonly understood as the King James Version. The KJV and some older English translation still found today use the Olde English as opposed to a current translation of the original languages into today's common English. The New King James translation removes the Olde English terms for more modern terms.
The King James version was commissioned because King James was discontent with the Geneva Bible, and its perspective on kings. The Geneva Bible was the common bible of the American colonists, since they were mostly persecuted Christian denominations. (I've read it. The archaic language takes a bit of getting used to, but it is still English and understandable. I have a preference for early translations as having been less inclined to plane smooth the meaning for the sake of contemporary thinking.)
It’s why I use the Orthodox Study Bible. It’s got useful annotations, and who better to translate Greek than Greeks? But I’m not hostile to the KJV.
The Septuagint (ca 300 BC) was a translation from Hebrew to Greek which they still use. Amazingly it corresponds quite closely to the Masoretic text (ca 800 AD) translation from Hebrew to English. There’s some small differences in the order of the Psalms, but it’s pretty much the same.
The most amazing thing is how closely the Bible books match the Dead Sea Scrolls. It seems not to have been riddled with errors after all. It hasn’t been mistranslated. Nothing has been added.
I had 3 years of German study in high school---over half a century ago! I've occasionally been curious about getting a copy of Martin Luther's translation of the Bible from Latin. And of the Orthodox Bible in modern Russian. All these languages, yet the Message still comes through.
I also had 3 years of German in HS and graduated in 1971. Kooky koinkydink.
Scofield put his commentary and notes in there and they actually called it the 'Scofield Bible', which it isn't...it should be called a Scofield Commentary at best. Then you get Moody involved, and then the Rothschild family...then it gets pushed at places like Dallas Seminary and spreads like wildfire. Why you ask? This is where the 'we must ignore the words and warnings of Christ and instead cup the balls of the fake Jews, aka the SOS,' Christians began. Militant and fervent zionisma at its best/worst. My childhood preacher is still a good friend and mentor of mine and his son is my lifelong best friend. It doesn't matter how many times you point out the very words of Christ, they will deny and/or support actions taken against non Jews and double down on how they are the chosen ones. It's all part of the great deception...
Should be called the Oxford Bible since that who really funded and supported it from the ground up. Oxford University even owns it.
So, the same people that control the current media wrote the Bible?