The media is saying that it's because of the winds and the smoke... that's total bullshit. It's actually because there's a presidential TFR over the airspace that went into effect yesterday afternoon, meaning the planes couldn't drop water:
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Deliberate plan to destroy lives and property, just like in N.C.
And Maui
And the world trade center. Attack after attack of false flags. We are at war!
And all of California
Well that expires at 10 pm if I'm reading it right, so is there some logical reason they did this?
Didn’t we use to fly crop dusters over fires and drop water or am I not remembering th8ngs correctly?
the text of the notam states firefighting and law enforcement agencies will coordinate with Air Traffic Control to avoid delays
Well, who's gonna fly a helicopter when you cant see thru the smoke and the wind gusts are knocking you like a boat and you don't know where the mountain tops are?
But yesterday James Woods specifically said planes were flying over the fire
They were, briefly. Then the winds became too strong. OP is wrong; the tfr specifically allows firefighting aircraft. But the winds were crazy, at a certain point flying in those conditions is foolish.
Up to 100mph gusts were forecasted
Yup. I'm somewhat local. I have a friend who commutes by bicycle regularly. Yesterday the wind knocked him over twice while riding. Streets are littered with branches and tumbleweeds in the middle of the city. Very heavy winds.
Those were the Israeli planes dropping thermite.