Dr. William Li is a cancer specialist that has written 2 best selling books. “Eat to beat Disease” and “Eat to beat your Diet”. He also has a YouTube channel with many videos and he explains in an easy to understand way how different foods work in our bodies. The other source that I have discovered is Bobby Parrish. He also has YouTube videos where he teaches how to shop and read labels. He has done reviews on all the major stores. HEB, Kroger, Walmart, Costco, etc. The best part is that he has a free ap that you can download that allows you to scan barcodes and it will tell you if it’s Bobby approved or not. If it’s not Bobby approved, you scroll down and it will tell you why. In addition, it list alternative products that can be purchased that are approved. Within minutes of downloading the ap, I was scanning everything in my house even my laundry detergent. I was shocked to discover how many products that I have been using that are not good for me. It’s a game changer and I will not buy another product ever again without using this handy scanning ap. To get the ap just go to your ap store and look for the ap called “Bobby approved”, and download it.
Comments (14)
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'tis an opportunity to make a few lists of naughty and nice products.
I'll start:
All laundry and dish detergents (I discovered the hard way) - instead, use washing soda chrystals - it does not foam, but works like a charm - e.g. toss all dishes in a sink of soda-hot-water, and then simply rinse the salt and crap off under the tap. For laundry - soak for ten-minutes and rinse as normal. Magic on office shirts and also jeans. A bar of soap nearby for hand-washing can be useful for hard to budge sh*t.
Most toothpastes - instead use either fluoride-free 'natural' kinds, or make ur own: baking soda, mixed to a paste with cocunut oil.
Dry cleaning - 'spot' cleaning - all of the stuff on the shelves = nope. Use instead isopropyl alcohol in a repurposed spray bottle. Just a squirt closely aimed. Wait for 30 seconds and steam.
Cleaning the house: Good grief. Stay away from bleach, and ammonia, and anything inbetween. Because the fumes literally degrade your life - welcome to the trenches WW1, and perma-respiratory problems (also discovered this the hard way)! Use: 50/50 isopropyl alcohol and vinegar mix, for most stinky, animal turdy/foodscrap/general dirt. This is good for floors, carpets, soft furnishings, leather, benches, anything except: for stone, steel and glass, use pure isopropyl, no vinegar. So, two spray bottles, with homemade labels (to tell the difference); a roll of those handy-wipes and a squeeze-mop - you are set to be the super-fast house-maid. My point is: avoid the cleaning products isle completely.
Shampoo and 'conditioner': OK you gotta give this petrochemical and asbestos-adjacenet (slippery minerals aka 'conditioner') treatment up. Really. A good soap will do in an emergency if some external dirt or smoke is all through the hair. However, most of us don't be pigpens.
I have been using a pinch of Boswellia powder near the roots if the hair seems too oily (spread into a boar-bristle brush and then brushed through starting at the top - e.g. one can use a clean, good shoe brush - lots of natural bristles - but for me that's a once-a-monther), and then, also a pinch of coconut oil on the ends, once a week or as needed, fingertips oiled up and rubbed on, especially the longer hair - it weighs down the ends, making the hair 'swing' and the oil also smooths frizzy curls. Any 'cradle-crap' on the scalp can be removed with some eau-de-toilette (also a once-a -weekish thing, no need to do it every day) squirt it on the roots, and rub around a little - very refreshing and the seemingly stuck-on 'patches of scuzz' will magicly dissolve- and then the 'oil' moves down the shafts and clings to the hair as one combs - and guess what? The oils then act like the most expensive, perfect conditioner. One would expect that alcohol applied to the scalp would strip all life away from the hair, but it doesn't - it leaves the hair looking like it had a luxury salon-treatment. For some reason, people have been made scared of their own oil (dandruff, they were told - 'member the frizz-ball hairdos in the 70s? Shampoos were a favorite TV commercial) - Oils that were produced god-intended to moisturize hair. Anyway, I have not 'washed' my hair for over a year, and receive many compliments for its condition. And to all those, who imagine that human moisturizer 'stinks'. Silly, I told u to use EAU-DE-TOILETTE. We are scented. (BTW - get a brand-name and invest a little, avoid musk/civet products and yuck-chemicals in cheap products - the bottle lasts plenty long, and u r saving money not buying the other crap.
For the ladies: Make-up, and hairsprays, and all that jazz, is a whole rabbit hole by itself. Nano-particles, heavy metals (all those lubly colors) etc. etc. Do ur research- maybe someone can take-up where I left off?
I agree with you. I stopped using Crest toothpaste a while ago. Then I stopped using body deoderant because of all the added ingredients. Now I'm looking at foods like cereal, pancake batter, heck, even cans of beans and the like. If it has ingredients that I cannot pronounce, I'm not purchasing it. Even liquids like Coca-Cola should be avoided because of the added crap. Also, even if it is pure, like sugar, it is still bad for you. Sugar promotes internal swelling of your body. So much of our food is tainted with crap that it's almost impossible to purchase good food unless you shop the perimeter. Fresh meat and veggies are the best you can do in the grocery store. Try going additive free for a week and I bet you'd feel better.
Take Bobby Parish with a grain of salt. I stopped following him when his cherry-picked info was influenced by sponsors.
Check out westonaprice.org for a ton of sponsor-free nutrition info
Weston Price is great, especially if you are female trying to get pregnant or in child-bearing years--they go over nutrition in depth for women, pregnancy and for infants/young kiddos. You cannot go wrong with Price's information.
Thanks for pointing that out about Bobby. I will check out your recommendation. I also just checked out the Yuka ap that someone else recommended. It works great too. I will compare to 2 going forward.
Thanks for sharing this, I will check out that app!
The Yuka app is amazing. I love it and scan everything now
Thanks, I just downloaded and used it.
I recently switched to fluoride-free toothpaste (Bert's Bees brand) and aluminum-free deodorant for women (Hello brand). Thanks for the info.
👍 good post. Thanks.
Thanks for the info!
Thank you for posting.
My wife has been using the Yuka app for over a year. We’ve made a lot of changes but not all. Mainly diet related.
I agree…I’ve been watching their videos recently and have learned so much about things in our food that is bad for us and what foods are best for good health! Everyone can learn a lot by watching their videos!!