UHHHH Oblakhan...you have eluded to a VERY IMPORTANT ASPECT of these pedophiles...Personally, I would like to see them castrated in PUBLIC SPHERE and make sure EVERY PERSON (above a certain age) watch!@@@@@@
Drastic YES, but it is a measure that needs to be done...what people don't realize is that shista like this creates EVEN MORE PEDOPHILES!!!!!
You mean a Jue was arrested for doing unseemly things? Oh, for pete's sake. Say it isn't true. This certainly casts a bad light on God's chosen people, again. Ugh, when will they learn? God must be in Heaven looking down and shaking His head.. .. What is a Father to do? My guess...........there will be a lot of pain for Israel in the next few months. Hope they are buckled in because they are in for a very bumpy ride.
Some day folks will realize there isn't that much difference in the two Semite brothers in their regard for infidel children.
UHHHH Oblakhan...you have eluded to a VERY IMPORTANT ASPECT of these pedophiles...Personally, I would like to see them castrated in PUBLIC SPHERE and make sure EVERY PERSON (above a certain age) watch!@@@@@@
Drastic YES, but it is a measure that needs to be done...what people don't realize is that shista like this creates EVEN MORE PEDOPHILES!!!!!
...valid observations...
...sadly true...
You mean a Jue was arrested for doing unseemly things? Oh, for pete's sake. Say it isn't true. This certainly casts a bad light on God's chosen people, again. Ugh, when will they learn? God must be in Heaven looking down and shaking His head.. .. What is a Father to do? My guess...........there will be a lot of pain for Israel in the next few months. Hope they are buckled in because they are in for a very bumpy ride.
...I prefer Jews over Zionists...
...doggy winks...
Same thing my dude
...not all Jews are Zionist...
...not all Zionist are Jews....
Ya you can say that but when I look around all I see are Jews that are zionists. Seems odd.
I’m surprised that these pedos haven’t taken a break from their perversions while others around them are getting arrested.
...it is always funny when the "other guy" gets hit in the balls...
High crime tribunal time
...poetic, yet highly accurate assessment...