I'm just learning how these city fires have been happening since the 1800s. If you throw all those fires in their faces, it completely destroys the climate change narrative.
Most still aren't awake enough, nor do they have enough active thinking capacity to see the lies not filter thru to find the truth. My experience is, they ramble on about "studies", "statistics", "truth" all while sucking in all the MSM, big pharma and big food industry, and DS/historical lies. They have no discernment, no spiritual discernment either, all while attacking and gaslighting and projecting their feelings onto you and showing you all their research which is absolutely meaningless as the data have been manipulated.
Agree. I got lectured a few weeks ago about how he loves statistics and he was always so good at statistics and how he just looks at their statistics to determine if he should believe the article. I remember reading last year or maybe the year before how basically anything can get peer reviewed and published even with falsified data (lying with statistics). But ultimately this person has a horrible track record of believing MSM. Then using articles to prove whatever MSM/pharma stated. He pretty much bought the whole COVID nonsense from day 1 and I kept saying it was engineered and released from day 1 and I was called a liar. Same with Ukraine/Russia, the biolabs, Hillary vs Trump, etc. but there is never a later acknowledgement that he was duped and I had it right, he usually does change his position eventually but it usually takes years and big reveals in the media.
While there is no doubt that we have been mislead there are also the first hand accounts of family and friends who, even if mislead or deceived, still acted in the best interest of GOD, Family and Country. God Bless these people.
When I started reading this, I was fully expecting it to say "After living through current events, why would you believe any democrat."
My God the D disasters the past 4 years are mind blowing. Basically everything FJB did, Kumala's incompetence, NYC's collapse, Newscum's disaster in CA, etc. How any D voter can have even the slightest bit of respect for their party is astonishing.
Because a some of the normies don't even know whats going on. For example, they think the fires were caused by climate change.
Slight correction, they swallow what they are told - they aren't actually able to think!
Does a BEAR take a dump in the woods?????? Just askin'!!!!
It's ALMOST FRIDAY!!!!! THEREFORE, the 3rd Glass of Cabernet' should be tasting rather well...OOOOOPS, it is!!!
I'm just learning how these city fires have been happening since the 1800s. If you throw all those fires in their faces, it completely destroys the climate change narrative.
Most still aren't awake enough, nor do they have enough active thinking capacity to see the lies not filter thru to find the truth. My experience is, they ramble on about "studies", "statistics", "truth" all while sucking in all the MSM, big pharma and big food industry, and DS/historical lies. They have no discernment, no spiritual discernment either, all while attacking and gaslighting and projecting their feelings onto you and showing you all their research which is absolutely meaningless as the data have been manipulated.
...a very astute assessment, intuition is also lacking to a high degree
There is a saying in Mathematics esp. statistics: IF nothing else to stand upon. Then baffle them with STATISTICS!!!!!!!!
Took a course in Statistics...NEVER AGAIN...one can make "statistics" tell the truth BUT IS IT REALLY THE TRUTH??????
Agree. I got lectured a few weeks ago about how he loves statistics and he was always so good at statistics and how he just looks at their statistics to determine if he should believe the article. I remember reading last year or maybe the year before how basically anything can get peer reviewed and published even with falsified data (lying with statistics). But ultimately this person has a horrible track record of believing MSM. Then using articles to prove whatever MSM/pharma stated. He pretty much bought the whole COVID nonsense from day 1 and I kept saying it was engineered and released from day 1 and I was called a liar. Same with Ukraine/Russia, the biolabs, Hillary vs Trump, etc. but there is never a later acknowledgement that he was duped and I had it right, he usually does change his position eventually but it usually takes years and big reveals in the media.
AND 5Solasreformation, HAVE PROVED MY POINT!!!! VERY Astute of you!!!
While there is no doubt that we have been mislead there are also the first hand accounts of family and friends who, even if mislead or deceived, still acted in the best interest of GOD, Family and Country. God Bless these people.
When I started reading this, I was fully expecting it to say "After living through current events, why would you believe any democrat."
My God the D disasters the past 4 years are mind blowing. Basically everything FJB did, Kumala's incompetence, NYC's collapse, Newscum's disaster in CA, etc. How any D voter can have even the slightest bit of respect for their party is astonishing.
Link to post: https://x.com/gregreese/status/1879309507693883835