Can someone educated explain what the end goal is. I feel like Trump is newly very on board with crypto but at the same time is that what the future holds? Digital currency? Q said gold will kill the fed so it’s very confusing.
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Q said gold will end the fed.
Q did not say it will be the reserve currency.
The black ops folks (cabal) love the supposed anonymity of crypto. Trump has cut off most all other sources of their cash flow.
Just saying. kek
I have 5 gold coins. I have 0 bit coins. I wish I knew what to tell ya.
Perhaps when Trump mentioned the FED he was talking about the Foreign Exchange Department! All of those dark pools.
I think certain crypto coins could be a white hat mirror to the black hat plan. Instead of the feared one world currency, each country will have their own digital stablecoin tied to their currency. The Ripple ledger makes it possible to instantly trade with someone using any currency, weakening the argument for a "OWC."
But that is what they have to work with right now and presumably it is part of the plan. Central banks can be taken out of the equation at the right time; digital treasury notes.
All I know is that when I finally realized that the GamesOfTrump NFT was (extremely unusually) launched on the Bitcoin blockchain (rather than the more obvious NameCoin or Ethereum blockchains), it made me seriously rethink my understanding. GamesOfTrump was launched just a few months before the Q drops started.
So whatever Trump's plan, it's obviously connected with the larger operation. All indications right now is that it is exactly as it seems. It will be used as a reserve asset for the new global financial system. The globalists had planned to use XRP/Ripple, which is a CBDC in disguise. Bitcoin has the unique advantage that it can't be censored, therefore it can never be used as a method of warfare. Due to the nature of its public blockchain and Proof of Work authentication algorithm, no country can prevent the spending of Bitcoin. That removes the ability of countries to weaponize it as they have done with the USD. There really isn't any other digital asset which can compete with it for this purpose.
And Q never said gold will kill THE Fed. He said gold shall destroy FED. (Drop #2619) In context, it more likely means Foreign Exchange Deposits, which are the current method of establishing international foreign currency transactions.
What does the Fed do? Do they print the bills? Or are they just holders of America debts? If they hold the debt then somehow all the gold in Fort Knox would be given to the Fed and we no longer have national debt? But the deep state has all the gold, what good is that? We need to kill the Fed, get rid of the deep state, keep all our gold, and then make every American citizen whole. There is a plan but we are not thinking outside of the box like Q is. Maybe we just haven't been told all the alternatives as to how the possession of gold will kill the Fed. Come on GAW contributors, you are very smart individuals and I'm sure one of you have come up with the answer, even if it sounds so "out there" that no one would believe it. Heck, no body would have believed Trump would want to purchase Greenland a few weeks ago, huh?
I did the math. If Bitcoin replaced all fiat currency including private bank credit. That totals to $800 Trillion globally making a Bitcoin worth $38 Million each.
It would be worth more than the entire global economy which is unlikely.
The global M3 money supply is notoriously difficult to calculate, so there are many competing numbers. However, the most common estimates place it currently at between 200 trillion to 500 trillion USD. So if BTC was to become the global reserve asset, an ultimate valuation of several hundred trillion dollars is likely.
Oh, yes, if the total amount of bitcoin becomes that valuable, trillions on market cap for sure, but I don't see a world in which individual coins as Zrom posted becoming trillions each.
Q created Bitcoin, I'm not sure what Q means when they said "Gold shall destroy FED". I doubt Q will create a new gold backed currency as that won't fix anything and was already tried and will just force people to trust central bank issued paper gold. Gold was great and served humanity for millennia, but it fails completely in the modern world, and only works if it becomes a centralized paper currency which paves the way for Fiat.
Crypto is the perfect solution. Unlike gold, it works for distant and online payments without the need for private or central banks. Any world where we need to trust authority to manage the money supply will never be a free one.
So how does that transition happen then? Everyone is paid in fiat, stocks in fiat, no more cash? I thought the goal was not to go digital and removing cash allows more control
You have a good point, but it's impossible to have physical cash that isn't controlled and issued by a central authority. If we use a hybrid of physical cash plus crypto, then wages will still be priced in fiat which means people will keep being robbed via inflation that keeps driving down wages. Of course a central bank digital currency is the nightmare we all fear, but thankfully they can't control or censor crypto despite it being digital so i think technology is the only thing that can liberate us and we need to let go of paper.
I can't imagine the transition happening in any way other than a massive 1929 crash as the flood of people dump fiat and stocks to buy crypto like a game of musical chairs. I thought Q would let all this chaos happen under Biden, It would make Trump seem terrible if it happened under him.
I doubt Trump would do something like backing the US dollar with Bitcoin as that would just funnel money to the cabal and wall street and banksters with their ill-gotten dollars.
Perhaps Trump will do what Mr Robot did in the tv show, directly hand out the bitcoin reserves to the citizens as a stimulus package.
what is in high demand and short supply, historically for the average person on Earth, is quality investments. A golden age would be where we all had equal free access to quality investments and were free to choose what suited our risk/ volatility tolerance. Bitcoin and gold have risks like other investments, we would be wise to diversify asset types and durations.