FUCK YOU, Dick Durbin. What an absolute piece of shit human, having the actual GALL to lecture Pam Bondi on what "justice" is. I want Kash Patel and Pam Bondi to fucking SHRED these cretins by exposing their deep and decades-long corruption, and then accountability and JUSTICE. Tick fucking tock, Dick.
He should've asked Pam about her role in the Trayvon Martin scam... you could technically thank her for the rise of BLM and race riots.. dunno how much pressure was applied on her or if she knew what she was triggering, but that's a line of questioning that should be taken.
-oh wow loooky at my downs, muh feelz! muh muh muh!
FUCK YOU, Dick Durbin. What an absolute piece of shit human, having the actual GALL to lecture Pam Bondi on what "justice" is. I want Kash Patel and Pam Bondi to fucking SHRED these cretins by exposing their deep and decades-long corruption, and then accountability and JUSTICE. Tick fucking tock, Dick.
He should've asked Pam about her role in the Trayvon Martin scam... you could technically thank her for the rise of BLM and race riots.. dunno how much pressure was applied on her or if she knew what she was triggering, but that's a line of questioning that should be taken.
-oh wow loooky at my downs, muh feelz! muh muh muh!
I brought this up and was roundly ignored
Do you have links I could read? Inquiring minds and all.
Found the Obama voter.
Found the smooth-brain, non-critical thinker
lol, triggered much… liberals love to name call.
You clearly aren’t able to see the forest for the trees. Obama was the one you can thank for ushering in BLM and all the riots… not Bondi.
I won’t hurt your sensibilities any longer because obviously you’re incapable of “critical thinking” yourself so this discussion is over. Goodbye!