Water levels in the Great Lakes are very touchy. There are many feet of difference between high and low water levels. Ive seen beachfront homes with the lakes lapping a few yards from their doors one year and a few years later the water is a football field away.
Dont start messing with the Lakes. Thems fighting words in Michigan.
And if you dont think it can happen, that the Lakes are too big, take a gander at the Aral Sea. The Russians thought it was a great idea to make the area into a cotton producer. Used the water from the Aral Sea, which was as big or bigger than the Great Lakes, for irrigation. Its now a pond.
Many of the problems the operation was intended to solve and or alleviate. Have been bypassed or rendered non-factors with other technological advances.
There might be knock on effects of fueling development in the Great Plains. With the proposed Canals/Rivers.
But development along Riverbanks in the central and Eastern U.S has been heavy in the ensuing Decades. So you’d need to clear a lot of territory. To account for the increased width of the Rivers.
I've heard that through natural, and potentially artificial, tunnels there is a seawater port that is ostensibly been visited by submarines in Idaho. Might be some merit to the idea of using it as an aqueduct to bring sea water far inland for desalinization.
Water levels in the Great Lakes are very touchy. There are many feet of difference between high and low water levels. Ive seen beachfront homes with the lakes lapping a few yards from their doors one year and a few years later the water is a football field away.
Dont start messing with the Lakes. Thems fighting words in Michigan.
And if you dont think it can happen, that the Lakes are too big, take a gander at the Aral Sea. The Russians thought it was a great idea to make the area into a cotton producer. Used the water from the Aral Sea, which was as big or bigger than the Great Lakes, for irrigation. Its now a pond.
Wow. My first hearing about this. I learn so much here.
‘Dasting, but no, never heard of it. Would be interesting to overlay on top of UN Agenda 2030 land use map. Rosa Koire spoke of such grand designs.
ETA: not sure if this is the right document, but is as far as I got searching: Mapping for a Sustainable World
Yes, I remember this promoted by Lyndon Larouche
I think Johnny LeRue also approved of it...
Is this why he wants to make Canada the 51st state?
Many of the problems the operation was intended to solve and or alleviate. Have been bypassed or rendered non-factors with other technological advances.
There might be knock on effects of fueling development in the Great Plains. With the proposed Canals/Rivers.
But development along Riverbanks in the central and Eastern U.S has been heavy in the ensuing Decades. So you’d need to clear a lot of territory. To account for the increased width of the Rivers.
Isn’t there technology to build desalinization plants to use sea water?
I've heard that through natural, and potentially artificial, tunnels there is a seawater port that is ostensibly been visited by submarines in Idaho. Might be some merit to the idea of using it as an aqueduct to bring sea water far inland for desalinization.
And I thought the Panama Canal project was an enormous undertaking.