As in Jerry Brown, the two time governor of California
As in Gavin Newsom, the governor of California
As in the Getty Oil Getty family, the only one of those dirty skunks who didn't get into politics. Also Aileen Getty happens to be a benefactor of the "Just Stop Oil" protests.
As in Pelosi, San Fran Nan, who we all know and despise.
Well it seems they got what they wanted with, I don't know how many died in the fire, people dying in the fire and these are sick people they still don't want to clear the under brush in the wooded areas.
Judges with Balls so big they need wheel barrows to carry them need to be employed to prosecute, until prosecuting yields no more fruit. Then and only then can we get back to communities being communities loving each other and our fellow neighbor. DO IT TRUMP !
Do they run the cartels too?
You know there's a connection. Follow the money always works.
Seems like “follow the opium” works for a lot of these people, too.
Is the Jake Paul Getty affiliated with the Getty museum which is amid claims for underground tunnels? Why, yes! What is going on there?
Some strange contradictions:
I’m not posing any theories it’s just kinda weird.
Brown, Newsom, Getty, Pelosi.
As in Jerry Brown, the two time governor of California
As in Gavin Newsom, the governor of California
As in the Getty Oil Getty family, the only one of those dirty skunks who didn't get into politics. Also Aileen Getty happens to be a benefactor of the "Just Stop Oil" protests.
As in Pelosi, San Fran Nan, who we all know and despise.
Jerry Brown's father was also a multiterm governor of California.
I wonder if they're related to the Browns that run/own Inyo County
Well it seems they got what they wanted with, I don't know how many died in the fire, people dying in the fire and these are sick people they still don't want to clear the under brush in the wooded areas.
I fell down a rabbit hole once and found that Napa is loaded with bloodline fams and then there's the Bohemian and Laurel stuff, but Napa was, well...
why ruin a good vid with the music overlay?
Ok what are the names.
List them here, so we don't have to listen to a loud video with unnecessary music and sound effects and shit.
Just list them out for everyone to see.
Perfectly evil and incestuous.
Got a real smart, very well informed friend who had absolutely no clue about this. Thanks for the ammo!
yw fren
That Loo-eee-gee dude showed that no one is safe.
It blows my mind that people idolize that demon.
It's time to drain this nasty swamp!
Judges with Balls so big they need wheel barrows to carry them need to be employed to prosecute, until prosecuting yields no more fruit. Then and only then can we get back to communities being communities loving each other and our fellow neighbor. DO IT TRUMP !
Ahh,, and people want to blame the "JEWS" for everything.
They would be right. It doesn't mean there aren't other satanic outliers who call themselves christians.
There are a lot of evil christians as well. The reason why I believe that Jews get all the attention.
Their religion allows for charging an interest rate. Could you imagine if all the bankers are christians???
How bad that would look?
So they put in Jews in power because they have no problem charging an interest rate.
Which is why they kept getting kicked out of countries. Countries got into debt and end up blaming them.
When in reality... The Jews are mid management bankers for the Roman Empire Black Nobility.
If you go research these guys
They controlled all the banking in Europe before the Jews.