Trump will announce end of birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants, officials say
WASHINGTON –Incoming President Donald Trump will announce the end of birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants in an executive order on his first day of office, incoming White…
Whenever the original Articles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are front and center in a SCOTUS case the Federalist Papers are almost always cited. That’s because context is extremely important in understanding the motivation and purpose of the Article or Amendment.
The 14th Amendment was written and ratified in response to the aftermath of the Civil War. It was designed to address the legal status and rights of emancipated slaves, ensuring they would be granted citizenship and equal protection under the law.
The intent was never to provide an avenue for people without legal status to gain citizenship for their unborn children. That’s an observation that should be painfully obvious to anyone with a functioning brain.
“…subject to jurisdiction of…” means something. Their spawn are subject to the jurisdiction of the parents nation.
So simple a home schooled 5th grader can explain it.
If there was actual birthright citizenship in the Constitution, Congress wouldn't have needed to pass the Snyder Act in 1924, granting American Indians citizenship.
That’s an interesting point. One open detail is native Americans live in their own nations, sovereign from USA. There are likely other specifics as well.
But yes, no one with common sense writing rules for a new nation would allow anyone being spawned on one’s soil to be declared a citizen with privileges.
Even those Indians born off the reservations were not afforded US citizenship.
And, while Indian nations do have sovereignty, they are fully bound by Federal laws.
My grandfather was not a citizen when he was born.
Standing Bear may be relevant. There will be a fight on this. Questions answered and precedent set.
...valid observations, nicely stated and framed...
Fkn A. 2 illegals don't birth a citizen.
...aye aye...
End it and revoke it for everyone for the past 30 years minimum!
...that would be a very stoney row to hoe... they can start hoeing......
...just pack a good file to keep the hoe sharp and get to work...
Yes. We need this. They will stop coming if the benefit gravy train is ended.
Long overdue!