I paid attention to his expressions too. I got the feeling he wasn't cognitively all there. Wondered if he was back on the sauce. Or had the beginnings of some type of dementia. Didn't his dad have something?
Just like so many of the people: Fetterman, Hunter, JRB, Golf course DJT, Pelosi. HRC. Their appearance keeps changing and the media like good little stooges ignores it.
...that is the husk of a man who sold his soul to the devil...
Like adam shif
Not much left....
Pan down and you find big Mike!
Did he get work done? Something's weird here.
I thought the same, doesn't look like him
Yeah how does he look younger now?
Silly Old Fool pills
DJT has a wireless button rigged up to him and can make W do that anytime he wants.😀
I have no details on what it is hooked up to though.
Deep fake
No I seen it live... it's real.
Biden was supposedly live, although people appear and disappear
I paid attention to his expressions too. I got the feeling he wasn't cognitively all there. Wondered if he was back on the sauce. Or had the beginnings of some type of dementia. Didn't his dad have something?
He looks different
Looks like he got too close to the evil plastic surgeon. Have yall seen Madonna?
I'm not convinced that even is Madonna, it looks like some other woman took her place and nobody will point it out.
Just like so many of the people: Fetterman, Hunter, JRB, Golf course DJT, Pelosi. HRC. Their appearance keeps changing and the media like good little stooges ignores it.
He DID look seriously goofy today. I voted for him, twice, sorry to say. Never in his 8 years as President did he look like that lol.
Must have seen an organ that was bigger than his and he wanted it!!!!! Just sayin'!!!!
He's doing Adam Schiff imitations lol.