🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
I'm watching the RSBN stream of him signing EO's at his desk and the World Health Organization withdrawl order just landed. He talked about how much of a financial racket it is and is of no benefit to the US. Talked about European trade deficits which is just unfair to the USA. And then he signed the order.
This is fantastic!
I like it.
But what worries me. When Trump leaves.
The deep state can just enter it again.
Well, the whole point is that the deep state will be destroyed. If not, keep faith in God.
Exactly. The destruction of the deep state of the goal.
Well said!
You haven’t been paying attention. Before he leaves office, there will BE no deep state.
Hopefully. But we all need to be vigilant going forward. We can never again become so comfy we stop paying attention to what those scum in DC are doing. And our schools need to teach thorough civics, constitution and US History going forward and also instilling vigilance as a duty of citizenship. We can NEVER allow ourselves or any future generation to forget the lessons we have so painfully learned.
"Eternal vigilance is the true price of freedom." -Thomas Jefferson
Along with that, we need to make sure actual history truth is revealed to teach our children.
I have been watching.
We will see what happens.
That’s part of all of this, getting rid of those that have put our country in bondage for over a century and to wake up the masses so that we never allow it to happen again.
Yeah these are the immediate measures before the WHO tries to get another scamdemic going.
I think the WHO will dry up and blow away without our funding.
From what Trump told them it sounds like we do essentially fund them. They take from us more than 10x what they get from China despite them having over 3x our population. Like NATO where nobody pays their fair share and we're subsidizing the entire thing,
Not really, they will loose the massive money laundering (aid), so will go broke.
Governments around the world will be under massive pressure to do the same.
America First, the world will follow.
This has never been about four years or a single administration, this has always been about destroying a milennia old evil, the satanic pedophile death cult.