I was disappointed not to see Mike Lindell and Rudy Guilianni at the ceremony yesterday. They have fought so hard for truth about the 2020 election.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
They have sacrificed everything for this truth.
I saw both of them there. Mike Lindell did an interview with RSB.
I'm so happy to hear this. I didn't see him yesterday and it made me sad. He's a genuinely good guy who's been loyal to POTUS from the beginning. I pray the best for him and hope his business starts booming again.
Omg I’m so glad ,, your comment made me so sad too until we heard from goqgo
I saw Rudy Guilianni outside yesterday, and have a photo from 6 feet away to prove it if needed.
I SAW Rudy Guilianni!!!
I wish I could have spotted Mike Lindell. (I made dozens of funny Lindell memes)
we recently bought new 'my pillows'.
We have had them for a couple of years. Very god pillows!
I had to get a different one that fit my neck curve. They stayed fluffy for 4 years while I used them
Thank you, thank you , thank you for letting us know . When I read the post my heart sank , so glad you were on it and took the time to counter ;) ty Fren !
Yes ...they were both there. Rudy was sitting on the aisle as the Navy Choir walked by singing, Battle Hymn of The Republic
I saw Giullianni sitting at the Rotunda during the Inauguration.
Loved his tie!!
He was there! https://www.google.com/search?q=was+rudy+giuliani+at+inauguration&oq=was+rudy+giuliani+at+inauguration&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRiPAtIBCTI0MDUxajBqNKgCALACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f3dea8bb,vid:f7j0e7RTvxk,st:0
Fantastic interview! So encouraging! Thank you!
I took this pic of him entering the arena on Sunday…
Hey Fren . Was looking in mirror yesterday at a sweater I was wearing, it had the 45 47 on it . I realized 4+ 5 = 9 and 4+ 7 = 11 … 9/11 Thought it was such a coincidence ! I always wondered about the hats and shirts etc thst say 45 47 why not just 47 ? Other presidents that did two terms didn’t do that ,, I realize they were consecutive but still it surprised me ,, realizing the 9/11 hidden numbers I thought ,, ok God Such a coincidence ! Lol not sure if other frens on here have noticed that
Yes I know , I thought u wrote that lol ,
I ve seen it before, but you could do a post on it,or mention it in the general chat.
I figured most on here already knew this , I’m late to the game lol
Not everyone was sitting behind the president. There were also audiences in front of Trump. I would much rather see Trump’s face than the back of his head on such a momentous day!!!
Was Steve Bannon at the inauguration?
I saw Rudy, but not Mike.