posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +39 / -0

I may be over reacting, but what with some recent events around the boards, my spidy sense is tingling.

  • The Biden Pardons - Hunter was obvious. But now he's done his whole family, and the biggest targets for investigation as well, it feels more like he has put targets on people. The Pardons are blankets for the latest lots, and they have no apparent topic, which tbh is insane. And people are now looking at these as if guilt should be ascribe to all of them, whereas before many still thought they were on the up and up. No one has ever assigned a pardon without a crime being declared before, even Ford with nixon didn't do that.
  • guards trying to keep pardoned j6ers from even leaving dc - this made me confused but I thought just sour grapes. Annoying, but it's DC. Now I'm not so sure.
  • judges trying to stop j6 victims in CA from having freedom after being released - this had me worried. It's one thing for DC idiots to do it, it's another for a judge to openly defy the order after it's been executed. It sets quite the precedent too, one she will be paying for from the cabal once it gets used on the Bidens/Fauci/Milley et all.
  • ice agent in freaking Vermont killed stopping a migrant in routine check stop - this is proper freaking me out, as its the first proper victim of the second stage. Vermont is not where I expected the first fatality on the deportation mission to happen. I expected a fatal shooting somewhere, maybe the southern border, but not the northern one.

It feels like the deep state is picking the wrong battles on every level now. They keep making very stupid mistakes. It is literally shooting their own feet daily now. They are creating flash points and highlights, adding visibility to the injustice and criminality rhsg are willing to inflict on us.

I wish they'd just accept that it's over, but I worry they'll make this a hot war first.