Time to leave that church. How can you support a church that allows this? Why do you choose to aid these migrants? I know your trying to help people but your actually enabling the problem.
I did leave but started to work at the pantry after my husband died in order to get out. I have very few friends because of my support of Trump first time around. But the tribal culture at the pantry is getting to be too much.
I understand. You did a noble thing to process your grief and to help others. At this point it appears they are draining your spirit. Can you find another way to volunteer, where you're appreciated. Nature? Animal shelters?
Well to be honest that is what a church is supposed to do. Churches are not supposed to turn you away because you come from this country or that. What kind of church would turn people away?
Time to leave that church. How can you support a church that allows this? Why do you choose to aid these migrants? I know your trying to help people but your actually enabling the problem.
I did leave but started to work at the pantry after my husband died in order to get out. I have very few friends because of my support of Trump first time around. But the tribal culture at the pantry is getting to be too much.
I understand. You did a noble thing to process your grief and to help others. At this point it appears they are draining your spirit. Can you find another way to volunteer, where you're appreciated. Nature? Animal shelters?
I was gonna say Animal Shelter. Good call. Those animals deserve the help.
Haha! I have 4 rescues in my home. 2 dogs, 2 cats.
Sounds like you need to move to friendlier climate.
Well to be honest that is what a church is supposed to do. Churches are not supposed to turn you away because you come from this country or that. What kind of church would turn people away?
I'm not expecting the church to turn them away but I certainly wouldn't want to volunteer to help people who treat me poorly. Would you?