The one thing Ezra did not mention in his post, is that some say Pompeo was supposed to be the vice president for Nikki Haley. So not only did he want a massage assassinated, he wanted Trump assassinated He wanted to be the next deep state in charge. if Pompeo would’ve been vice president for her, they would’ve taken her out to put him in charge. 🤷♀️
"evangelical Christians" are a cancer in the country, and presidential candidates must stop bending over backwards for them. Nothing good ever comes from pandering to them.
I don’t know… I’m an evangelical Christian. And the best thing that it’s ever come to me is my salvation. I’m not sure how it all works in politics though, but I’m grateful for my salvation. Never dismissed the power of the blood of Christ.
Pompeo fooled me with his "evangelical Christian" persona. He appeared at a few churches in California and talked the talk.
I've learned the hard way not to judge someone by words--but by actions.
Lock him up, throw away the key, and do what needs to be done if found guilty of treason.
The one thing Ezra did not mention in his post, is that some say Pompeo was supposed to be the vice president for Nikki Haley. So not only did he want a massage assassinated, he wanted Trump assassinated He wanted to be the next deep state in charge. if Pompeo would’ve been vice president for her, they would’ve taken her out to put him in charge. 🤷♀️
The corruption is shocking--I have a feeling we are in for a white-knuckle shock when the truth of all the corruption comes out...
It’s only day three… Literally only day three and he’s coming through like a bull in a China shop.
I know, I can't keep up! Incredible!
I am loving it because the last five four years has been tough.
I’m completely shocked. I wondered why he wasn’t considered for this administration and now we know why.
Agree. I thot I knew it all (ah, laughter from the peanut gallery).
Not just a white-knuckle shock, but a kick in the belly. Arrrrgh.
This is not Ezra. This is Shadow of Ezra. Ezra Cohen's account is different, right?
Yes, I was just being brief because we were on topic.
Ok, that was kinda nitpicky on my part. Sheesh. Get a life, Fractal!
<walks away sheepishly>
"evangelical Christians" are a cancer in the country, and presidential candidates must stop bending over backwards for them. Nothing good ever comes from pandering to them.
I don’t know… I’m an evangelical Christian. And the best thing that it’s ever come to me is my salvation. I’m not sure how it all works in politics though, but I’m grateful for my salvation. Never dismissed the power of the blood of Christ.
Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion; perhaps it's better to avoid blanket statements regarding groups of individuals.
There are many good and well-meaning Christian believers.
I have the right to my opinion, not an entitlement.
tThrice, Of course, you have the right to your opinion.
Everyone here would agree to that--
I am very sorry you feel that Christians are a "cancer in the country"-- how unfortunate for you.
But, you have the right to feel that way and say it.
Downvoted thrice for retarded blanket statements.