Hi Frens,
Trying to help my parents do the 24mg Ivermectin paste but I’m having trouble converting/figuring how many notches on the plunger = 24mg based on the info on the box.
Any help on the conversion would be very appreciated!!!
Yours Truly,
A Fren in need
Edit: Thank you so much everyone! Grok confirmed for 1.87% Durvet Ivermectin paste tube 6 notches is a rounded up equivalent of 24mg which is recommended.
Ok I can tell you mine is 4.5mg per click. One click is for 50 pounds.
Take the total number of mg in tube and divide by number of clicks.
My understanding is, if you go by just the weight it will be fine. The weight based dose is the same whether it’s a 150 pound horse or human is what I was taught.
Anyone feel free to correct if I’m wrong on any info above.
It’s also okay to go over the recommended dosage too. No need to be exact.
Yep IVM is hard to take too much!
You're correct. I looked it up in 2021 before I started using it.
Also put your brand in grok and ask it to show you the math. It will show you the steps to how it came up with answer.
Great idea!
Husband is asking Grok now!!!
Have always been told to round up. To insure full effect. Never round down.
Thank you so much!
My pleasure friend.
Tbh I never measure anymore...the blob is the same as a blob of toothpaste. I know I've taken less and more. Doesn't seem to matter, it all does the trick. Haven't had 'the flu' in a year, and when I got covid, this method took my fever down to 99, and only lasted one day.
Yes I don’t measure it really. Parents just were given info about 24mg/day to help with Parkinsons/Dementia/Cancer etc.
Since I found out about ivermectin, I haven't had a respiratory infection in five years. Normally I get two or three every winter. Also, zinc works in place of ivermectin if you take it within hours of the very first signs of illness.
My doc recommended Fenbendazole for goats, 100 ml/mg bottle, for me based on my situation 2.5 ml three days in a row per week.
I took that to mean, it is easier to dose a human based on goat size than horse size??
And maybe for all you goat voat fags! Another place we all got kicked off from . . .
Took me a while to get used to them, and POOF they were gone! Miss them too. Not as much as I miss The_Donald!
You can just get the fenben horse paste tube which is called Panacur.
Fenbendazole (panacur) is not ivermectin. They work similarly but are not the same.
Good to know
Your doc recommended Fenben for Covid?
one part of a cancer protocol
for every 50 pounds of body weight, use one notch. Round up, not down. if you doubled it by mistake it would not hurt you one bit.
Thank you OP and all commentors. Very useful.
You can just go by bodyweight and be just fine. The great part about ivermectin is it takes ALOT before you've taken too much. Super low risk, high reward.
I once didn't tighten the plunger adjuster enough and got about three times the amount that I wanted. I took it anyway, and the next day I didn't have any muscle or arthritis pain. It was wonderful.
the paste tastes terrible!!
No wonder why 4 out of 5 horses prefer apple flavor.
Very kekworthy!!🤣😂😁
Not scientific here, but just offering what I take...
I weigh about 215 and I take about 6 notches (dosage for 300 lb person) twice a month, on the 1st & 15th of every month. I haven't had so much as a cough or sniffle since having C19 in July 2020.
My whole life (I'll be 58 next month) I've always been like the average person, where I'd get a cold/flu/sinus infection/etc roughly once a year. The fact that this summer will be FIVE YEARS since I've had ANYTHING whatsoever is incredible to me!
Does it clear the sinuses out...major sinus sufferer here
I've never tried it just for sinus issues.
Get yourself one of those nasal irrigation bottles. Use it as often as you need to. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it's doing much. Either keep up with the frequency, or consider doubling up the salt.
Quercetin helps a lot with allergies. I started using that and it cut my pseudoephedrine use significantly. It also helps your body absorb zinc.
I used to have chronic sinus issues! Weekly IVM has completely stopped it! 6 notches of paste.
Try oregano oil - 4 drops 2 a day for 10 days - had ear felt like water In it for a almost a couple of months- got the funk & took both ivermectin & oregano oil & it cleared up.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it appears from your post that IVM dosage should be about 1 notches per 50 pounds of body weight? I weigh 172, and if that dosage is more or less correct, then I should use 4 notches to be on the safe side?
I just got two tubes of horse IVM from Amazon and don't know how to figure my dosage, so any advice would be appreciated.
Yes, you got it, one notch per 50 lb of body weight.
Excellent, thanks!
1 inch of paste is what i did once a day for 5 days.
You would need to swallow the entire tube to overdose on the stuff. Its safe.\
edit: put it on a cracker.
A guesstimate is fine. The horse variety is split by the hundreds of pounds. It is very safe. My horse weighs about a thousand pounds and I just give her the whole tube. I would err on the side of more not less. That being said try to stay in your weight range. Ivermectin is very safe, did I mention that?
Spot On Right!!
Same with my horse it never hurt him
Just get petmectin.