Israel’s dirty work was to create and perpetuate Hamas. President Trump is proposing to clean up Israel’s mess. And, it is likely a step toward saving Israel for last.
Some have been brainwashed into having it all backwards.
The Scofield Bible is a brilliant, diabolical, plan, that twisted the minds
of the not so bright.
Compromise - is a solution that leaves both parties unhappy. PSA.
Israel’s dirty work was to create and perpetuate Hamas. President Trump is proposing to clean up Israel’s mess. And, it is likely a step toward saving Israel for last.
This also means Israel has much less reason to request annual aid.
Always trust PDJT……..NCSWIC
I believe he is building up to a massive Israeli rug pull.
The only way for peace in middle east is to move all Palestinian to other Arab countries.
Palestine was part of Jordan anyway.
How about we remove all Israelis and give them their country back.
Why exactly do Palestinians have any more a right to that land than say Italy/Rome, Turkey/Ottoman Empire, Iran/Persian Empire, etc.
None of the ones you listed want it or asked for it.
Also doable. But .. you know .. Jews
The country belonged to Israel not palestine. Palistines are the ones that should never have been there.
Witch one's were the terrorists that took over the country and opressed/ killed the others?
Some have been brainwashed into having it all backwards. The Scofield Bible is a brilliant, diabolical, plan, that twisted the minds of the not so bright.
I have a Scofield bible,but I don't read the notes.
Its a good idea and by the way he is the president not you so stop giving him orders.