One of his Chinese accomplices was arrested. One accomplice escaped arrest. It is reported that the escaped accomplice was a female military officer for the Chinese PLA. The MSM wants us to forget all about this story.
Dr Charles Lieber was arrested last year (January 28, 2020) by the Department of Justice, alongside two Chinese researchers, for three separate China related cases. One of these Chinese nationals, Yanqing Ye, is both a student at Boston University, and a lieutenant of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The other, Zaosong Zheng, was supposedly a cancer researcher, who attempted to smuggle vials of SARS and MERS strains to China, through Boston’s Logan Airport.
Whist also receiving grants from NIH and the Department of Defense, Dr Lieber received $50,000 a month from China for “living expenses”, and a lump sum of $1.5 million for his work with the Wuhan Institute of Technology. In video recordings between Lieber and the FBI after his arrest, he said “Money is a big temptation. That’s one of the things that China uses to seduce people.”
As usual it seems to run in the family. Here is a dig on his father Robert Lieber, who has apparent ties to SERCO, Lockheed Martin, Lord Malloch-Brown (hmmm 2020 election), and many other of the usual suspects.
Indicted Harvard carbon nanotube bio-warfare [likely constructed the Coronavirus nanotube 5G delivery system] professor Charles M. Lieber has hidden from public disclosure that his father (the son of a Romanian Jewish émigré candy manufacturer Leo Lieber), Robert I. Lieber, was a satellite tracking and radar spy for RCA’s AEGIS satellite system (Sir Geoffrey Pattie, Privy Council, NBC, GE, BBC, Sarnoff) now managed by Lockheed Martin, SERCO, QinetiQ and the British Privy Council.
you know what sticks out: candy maker:
there was a candy maker who worked with Pfizer too in the 19th century called Charles Erhart:
Canada's role in rolling out Event 201to unseat Trump will be exposed at some point. The lab leak in China leaked Canadian sourced SARS from our Winnipeg lab. Canada needs to be dragged out into the light on this and Dominion and a legion of other globalist apparatuses that exist north of the 49th parallel to undermine the USA and prop up old money.
I've been tracking this POS and others like him for a bit now. This will help explain why the kids seem to shoot up schools at timings that correspond with hiding bad news coming out about the cabal. Here's the links a plenty:
Here's an older GAW post on Lieber which says he was only held for 2 days.
That to me is very suspicious:
No he was out away but the trial was very quiet
One of his Chinese accomplices was arrested. One accomplice escaped arrest. It is reported that the escaped accomplice was a female military officer for the Chinese PLA. The MSM wants us to forget all about this story.
It's just waiting for the right time.
yes, i think it was out of Boston heading to China...
I remember reading about Lieber during my early days here. Worth a revisit!
Yes! Before I found GAW I came across a local article here in New England and posted it in the work lunchroom.
None of the normies even batted an eye. They all got the jabs later on though.
Thanks for the sticky fren!
From the article:
Excellent news! I didn't realize he was arrested either.
We both must have missed it, there were some good GAW posts on it.
Here are the posts containing "lieber" in the title:
Thanks! So many great posts here at GAW, it's hard to keep up!
As usual it seems to run in the family. Here is a dig on his father Robert Lieber, who has apparent ties to SERCO, Lockheed Martin, Lord Malloch-Brown (hmmm 2020 election), and many other of the usual suspects.
you know what sticks out: candy maker:
there was a candy maker who worked with Pfizer too in the 19th century called Charles Erhart:
candy and drugs huh!
edit: the Pfizer / Erhart link came from u/sempersupra
Little changes. Yuval Noah Harari's ambition is to keep us pacified with 'drugs and computer games' 😁
We knew it at the very beginning of covid:
Somebody needs to send this dude a copy of 12 Monkeys.
Canada's role in rolling out Event 201to unseat Trump will be exposed at some point. The lab leak in China leaked Canadian sourced SARS from our Winnipeg lab. Canada needs to be dragged out into the light on this and Dominion and a legion of other globalist apparatuses that exist north of the 49th parallel to undermine the USA and prop up old money.
I remember reading (somewhere) that it started in Ft. Dietrick before it was moved to Winnipeg.
Thanks, I'll pursue almost any rabbit hole related to this.
I've been tracking this POS and others like him for a bit now. This will help explain why the kids seem to shoot up schools at timings that correspond with hiding bad news coming out about the cabal. Here's the links a plenty: -> search "nanotech" Dr. Robert Young outlines that some of the vaccines actually have nano-technology in them, and references Dr. Charles Lieber who had over 60 patents for trying to connect organisms to the internet. (HUGE red pill link) Use of directed energy weapons, cellular microwave towers, V2K (Voice-To-Skull) and gang-stalking by FBI, NSA, CIA, DHS, Air Force and Mossad to isolate & take out “Targeted Individuals”. Sworn affidavits by FBI Chief and a special agent included. James Walbert, a resident of Wichita, Kansas, proved his experience as a Targeted Individual under surveillance includes implanted RFID chips, including in his brain, and subsequent remote electronic abuse (2008!).
Not as much nanotech as chemtrails, but still an excellent resource. There's a reason our ears are ringing:] Patents for Mind Control Technology. Not just a few. Over 60.
In addition, you can look at just about ANY major university, and they have a department or two (usually electrical, computer or biomedical engineering) that have all the wonderful research they're doing on neurological science. Note that's the nice term for "connecting your brain to the internet so we can remotely control what you think and do." For examples, didn't Wisconsin just have a school shooting?
Don't worry, they have "diverse" faculties. I'm sure they have our best interests at heart. Self Assembling Nano In Geoengineering Spray & Meat. Interview With Dr. Ana Mihalcea (she's been doing a great job of demonstrating the nanotech). A.I. Messianic Kingdom video; WEF on hooking people up to the internet and reading/manipulating their brainwaves.
Remember, there's a reason "tin foil hats" is a derogatory term they use. Feel free to line your hats.
Speaking of university connections, Robert Duncan (The Matrix Deciphered) was a student when he became a TI. The Unibomber was one of his classmates.