Somehow they need to figure out a way to break the politicization of the Courts. These Courts make decisions based on politics and not the rule of law and thats got to end.
Did I miss the confirmation fireworks with $ash Patel???? How in the wolrd did I miss it. But anyway I hope $ash is not controled by the swamp and is really an independant FBI director looking for the truth and will punish the guilty.
That one's gonna leave a mark!
Going to see some sparks.
AHHHHHH...I love the smell of burnt asses in the morning!!!!!! Nothing like it!!!!!
“I love the smell of napalm in the morning” is a line from the 1979 movie Apocalypse Now. The line is spoken by Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, played by Robert Duvall. 3 minutes'I%20Love%20the%20Smell%20of%20Napalm%20in%20the%20Morning'&text=Apocalypse%20Now%20%2D%20YouTube,orders%20a%20massive%20napalm%20strike.
MOOSEmeadow...just a lil' insight!!!!!!!
I SERVED IN VIETNAM~~~~~~and other shit hole places...
I don't need a damn movie to tell me what is what...
Somehow they need to figure out a way to break the politicization of the Courts. These Courts make decisions based on politics and not the rule of law and thats got to end.
We gotta get him in first...
I love Kash Patel. He's smart, dedicated to truth, and he scares the truly evil in our government. Great choice, President Trump!
I have been thrilled ever since Kash was chosen.
More records that will get destroyed?
They have everything.
Most likely
Tick tock…bitches…
I want my money back. LOL
That's awesome. That corrupt little bitch (and her equally corrupt papa) need to pay for their corruption.
I want my money back. Howls.
Prayers for Ka$h……..
Yes. We ALL need to pray.
Did I miss the confirmation fireworks with $ash Patel???? How in the wolrd did I miss it. But anyway I hope $ash is not controled by the swamp and is really an independant FBI director looking for the truth and will punish the guilty.
Coming up this week.
I think thurs.30th
I heard from all these Trump cases he has stood tall and defended Trump.